

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

Know about Napier grass which eliminates the problem of animal fodder in summer.

India is an agricultural country. Because most of the population here is dependent on farming. Agriculture is considered the main pillar of the economy. Along with farming, animal husbandry is also done on a large scale in India. Especially in rural areas where animal husbandry is the second largest occupation after farming. Farmers raise different types of animals from cows and buffaloes in different areas.

 In fact, along with inflation, animal feed has also become quite expensive at present. It is believed that green grass is the best option for animals as fodder. If green grass is fed to animals, their milk production also increases. But, the problem faced by the cattle farmers is that from where should they arrange green grass in such large quantity? Now the onset of summer is about to begin. In this season, animal feed remains a big problem for the cattle farmers. Now in such a situation, elephant grass can easily overcome this challenge of cattle herders. 

Napier grass is the solution to the problem of cattle farmers

The solution to this problem of farmers and cattle herders is elephant grass, which is also called Napier grass. It is a kind of animal feed. It is a fast-growing grass and its height is quite high. In height, they are bigger than humans. For this reason, it is called elephant grass. It is a very nutritious fodder for animals. According to the information given by agricultural experts, the first Napier hybrid grass was prepared in Africa. Now after this, it spread to other countries and today it is being grown in different countries.

 Also read: Now you will get Rs 10 thousand per acre for cultivating green fodder, apply like this

People are rapidly adopting Napier grass

This grass reached India around 1912 when Napier hybrid grass was produced in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. It was prepared for the first time in Delhi in 1962. Its first hybrid variety was named Pusa Giant Napier. This grass can be cut 6 to 8 times in a year and green fodder can be earned. At the same time, if its yield is less then it is dug up and planted again. This grass is being used extensively as animal feed.

Napier grass is the best hot-season fodder

Hybrid Napier grass is called a warm-season crop because it grows rapidly in summer. Especially when the temperature is around 31 degrees. The most suitable temperature for this crop is 31 degrees. However, its yield may reduce at temperatures below 15 degrees. Sunshine and little rain in summer are considered good for Napier crops. 

Also read: You can become rich soon by using these 5 grasses in animal husbandry.

Soil and irrigation for Napier grass cultivation

Napier grass can be produced easily in all types of soils. However, loamy soil is considered most suitable for this. To prepare the field, it is advisable to do one cross-plowing with a harrow and then one cross-plowing with a cultivator. With this, weeds are eliminated. To plant it properly, ridges should be made at appropriate distances. It can also be planted through stem cuttings and roots. However, currently, its seeds are also available online. Light irrigation should be done in the field for 20-25 days.

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming is very beneficial for farmers, there is increasing demand for organic products

Organic farming also helps in fighting cancerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise bring out the best in your life.

Organic farming is considered the protector of the environment. Since the Corona epidemic, there has been a lot of awareness among the people about health. The intellectual class is giving priority to vegetables grown from organic farming in place of vegetables grown from chemical food.

More than two times the production has been produced in the last 4 years

For the last four years in India, the area of organic farming has increased and more than doubled. The area was 29.41 lakh hectare in 2019-20, it increased to 38.19 lakh hectare in 2020-21 and in last year 2021-22 it was 59.12 lakh hectares.

Very helpful in fighting many serious diseases

Organic farming based on natural pesticides also helps in fighting cancer and dangerous diseases of the heart and brain. Natural vegetables and fruits with exercise can bring out the best in your life.

Also read: Return from chemical to organic farming

India is in the entire global market

India is rapidly focusing on the global market of organic farming. There is so much demand that the supply is not met. There is definitely a lot of potential in the field of organic farming in the coming years. All people are becoming aware of their health.

Start organic farming in this way

In general, people ask questions, how to start organic farming? For organic farming, first you want to do farming. Understand the soil there. Before starting organic farming, farmers start with training, then the challenges can be reduced considerably. The farmer understands the demand of the market and selects the crop, which crop should be grown. For this, farmers must take advice and opinion from experts from their nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra or Agricultural Universities.

What is the reason for the rise in garlic prices?

What is the reason for the rise in garlic prices?

There has been a sudden jump in the prices of garlic. In the Bhubaneswar market, the price had reached Rs 400 per kg. This is happening due to the destruction of garlic crops. Prices are likely to decrease this month.

The common people are having to bear the brunt of inflation. Inflation has increased in all the things and if we talk about food items, it has also increased a lot. Garlic is essential to enhance the taste of vegetables prepared at home. But, if seen at present, the prices of garlic are also touching the sky. The price of garlic has reached up to ₹400 per kg. 

After all, why are the prices of garlic increasing?

If we talk about the last few weeks, the prices of garlic have increased rapidly. In the Bhubaneswar market, the price had reached Rs 400 per kg. Actually, this is the important reason behind the increase in the price of garlic. That is the failure of the garlic crop. Garlic crops have been ruined due to inclement weather in various states. Due to this, a huge jump in prices has been seen. Due to crop failure, it will take time to plant the second crop. Due to this, there is a delay in the arrival of new garlic produce, due to which the prices are increasing. 

Also read: Due to this, there was a huge rise in the prices of garlic

When will prices go down in Madhya Pradesh?

Garlic is cultivated the most in Madhya Pradesh. But, due to adverse weather conditions, the crop has been greatly affected, due to which there is a lot of delay in the arrival of the new crop. As soon as a new crop of garlic arrives in the market. Garlic prices will fall. According to market traders, after the arrival of Kharif garlic, the price will become very low. This means that garlic prices are likely to decrease in February.

If you pay attention to all these things, farmers will get great production from mustard crop

If you pay attention to all these things, farmers will get great production from mustard crop

Mustard oil in India is used as edible oil in almost all homes. Mustard cultivation in India is done in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The main thing of mustard cultivation is that it can be grown in both irrigated and irrigated fields. Mustard is the third most important oilseed crop in the world after soybean and palm. Mustard oil as well as mustard leaves are mainly used to prepare vegetables. Mustard cake is also made, which is used to feed milch cattle. Along with the domestic market, the farmers have got a great feeling of mustard this year due to the increase in the demand for mustard in the international markets. At the same time, the central government has also increased its minimum support price.

Take special care of these things before cultivating mustard 

Before cultivating mustard, some things have to be kept in mind, so that we can get proper yield of crop, they are:-

Mustard suitable soil

Generally mustard cultivation can be done in every type of soil. However, the Balui loam soil with a single and better drainage is the most suitable for getting a brilliant yield of mustard. However, it should not be salty and barren land.

How to prepare mustard field 

Mustard cultivation requires a bright soil, the field should first plough the soil with a plough. After this, two to three ploughing should be done through native plough or cultivator. After ploughing it, it is very important to keep the moisture in the field and to level the fields. By applying it, both time and water are saved in irrigation.

Quantity of seeds

For your information , for the sowing of mustard crops in the fields where there is adequate means of irrigation, 5 to 6 kg of seeds should be used at the rate of 5 to hectare. The amount of mustard seeds may be different in the fields where there is not enough means of irrigation. Explain that the amount of seed depends on the basis of the variety of crops. If the time period of the crop is for more days, then the amount of seeds will be reduced. If the crop is of short time, then the amount of seed will be high.

Advanced varieties of mustard 

For mustard cultivation, it is also necessary to have knowledge of its advanced varieties, so that more yields can be achieved. Various types of mustard varieties are different for irrigated areas and unirrigated areas.

  1. RH (RH) 30: Both irrigated areas and unirrigated areas are good for sowing with wheat, gram and barley in both conditions.

  2. T59 (Varuna): This variety provides good yields in areas where there is no availability of means of irrigation. Its yield is 15 to 18 quintals per hectare in the unirrigated area. The amount of oil in its rash is 36 percent.

  3. Pusa Bold: Ashirwad (RK): This variety is suitable for late sowing (from 25 October to 15 November).

  4. NRC HB (NRC HB) 101: These varieties provide good yields in areas where adequate irrigation is provided. These varieties provide production ranging from 20 to 22 quintals per hectare.

When and how to irrigate mustard crop

In the mustard crop, the first irrigation should be done in 25 to 30 days and the second irrigation should be done in the stage of filling the grains in the fruits. If there is rain in the winter, even if the other irrigation is not done, even a good yield can be achieved. The field should not be irrigated at the time of flowering in mustard.

Irrigation in mustard crops should generally be done through bandage methods. Irrigation should be done by making a bandage of 4 to 6 metres wide according to the size of the farm. By irrigation by this method, the distribution of water is equal in the entire field.

Use of fertiliser and fertiliser in mustard cultivation

For your information, tell that for the fields where there is not enough irrigation means of irrigation, 6 to 12 rotten cow dung, 160 to 170 kg of urea, 250 kg single super phosphate, 50 kg of muret and potash and 200 kg It is appropriate to mix in the field before sowing gypsum. Mix half the quantity of urea at the time of sowing and half the remaining quantity in the field after the first irrigation. For the fields where there is no suitable means of irrigation, 4 to 5 tons of rotten cow dung, 85 to 90 kg of urea, 125 kg single super phosphate, 33 kg muret and potash per hectare are put in the field.

Weed control in mustard cultivation

In mustard cultivation, dense plants should be expelled from the field in 15 to 20 days of sowing. Along with this, their mutual distance should be made 15 cm. To eliminate weeds, weeding must be done in mustard fields before irrigation. In the event of weeds not destroyed, weeding and weeding should also be done after second irrigation. To control weeds by chemical method, within 2 to 3 days after sowing, the 3.3 litres of 3 to 3 days of pendimethalin 30 EC chemicals should be mixed with 600 to 800 litres of water and sprayed at the rate of per hectare.

Mustard crop harvesting and storage

When 75% of the legumes turn golden in mustard crop, then the seeds should be separated by cutting the crop by machine or by hand, drying or pouring it. Mustard seeds should be stored only when the seeds dried in the best way.

Mustard production from cultivation

In areas where there is not enough irrigation, it can yield from 20 to 25 quintals per hectare and areas where there are adequate irrigation arrangements. There can be achieving 25 to 30 quintals per hectare.

Mustard market price and earnings

The central government has fixed the minimum support price (MSP) of mustard by Rs 150 per quintal to Rs 5200 per quintal this year. Last year, the minimum support price of mustard was Rs 5050. Due to the increasing demand and lack of availability of mustard, this time the open markets are getting more than the minimum support price. Mustard is getting 6500 to 9500 rupees per quintal in open markets. Farmers can sell their crops in the major mandis of India where the price is high. In addition, direct contact with oil processing companies can also be sold directly to companies. At the same time, farmers can also sell their crops to traders in the open market. Explain that this year the mustard crop has given good prices to the farmers. Farmers are expected to get good mustard prices even further.

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

Huge Decline in the prices of oilseed mustard crops in India

For your information, mustard seed prices have been the most affected among the crops in the same category. Prices rose significantly at the end of last year. However, prices have fallen dramatically. What is the current mustard price in India's granary markets?However the prices of other oilseeds crop are also declining but currently most of them are stagnant.

There is a crop shortage that has been recorded in some cases, particularly for mustard seeds, and prices have been affected the most since the end of last year. There was a time when the prices were near 9000 Rs per quintal but now those same prices are even under the minimum support price. Therefore this has led to an alarming situation among the farmers.

Prices of mustard in markets nation-wide

The central government established an MSP of 5650 rupees per quintal , but farmers in Indian markets are currently not receiving the MSP price for mustard crops.They currently cost 5500 rupees per quintal. 

According to the Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare's Agmarknet portal, on Saturday (January 6), except for one or two mandis in India, prices remained below the MSP. On Saturday, the best mustard price was achieved at Karnataka's Shimoga Mandi. Where mustard was  sold at Rs 8800 per quintal.

Also read :Spray insecticide to prevent aphid pest in mustard crop.

Similarly in Amreli Mandi of Gujarat Mustard is sold at 6075 rupees per quintal . If we keep these exception aside then in all other mandis it is sold at less than 5500 rupees per quintal which is even lower than the MSP. Alarmingly at some places prices are even 4500Rs/quintal. Experts believe that the drop in prices is due to a decrease in demand. If demand does not rise, prices will fall even further, which is extremely bad news for farmers.

Here you can see the list of other crops.

To inform you for any crop its prices depend upon its quality. In such a case traders decide the prices according to the crop quality. Higher the quality of the crop, higher its prices. If you are also keen to check crop prices in your state markets then you can search for the whole list on the official website of .

 Instructions to complete preparations to buy mustard crop on MSP

Instructions to complete preparations to buy mustard crop on MSP

This time the central government will purchase mustard on MSP. The government has made complete preparations for this. Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda has given this information on Wednesday. This time there has been a great yield of mustard in India, on which Union Agriculture Minister Arjun Munda has thanked the farmers.

The Agriculture Minister says that this year the farmers have produced a large amount of mustard. For this, all the farmers deserve congratulations. Munda said that he has asked the concerned departments to buy mustard at the minimum support price (MSP). So that farmers do not face any difficulty in selling produce and they can get proper amount of produce.

Mustard will be purchased at MSP

In a briefing to the media, Munda further told that the government has prepared to purchase mustard under the Price Support Scheme (PSS) during the marketing season of Rabi crops. He said, "The interest of farmers for the government is paramount. If the price of mustard goes below the minimum support price (MSP), the government will buy mustard from the farmers on MSP. He said that necessary arrangements have also been made for this."

Instructed to complete all the preparations for the purchase

He said that central nodal agencies have already been instructed to be prepared for the purchase of mustard under PSS for the Rabi marketing season (RMS), so that farmers do not face any difficulty. He said, "Purchase approval under PSS from the states of Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Assam during Rabi marketing season-2023 was 28.24 LMT mustard."

Also read: Farmers will be happy due to increasing mustard area

Farmers will not have to face more problems

All mustard producing states have also been informed for RMS-2024, that if the current market price of mustard in the state is less than the notified MSP, then send a proposal for purchase of mustard under PSS in time. He said that the mustard MSP for RMS-2024 is Rs 5,650 per quintal. He said that it is the effort of the government that farmers can get the right price for their produce and do not have any problem in selling their products.

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Farmers should protect their wheat crops from these diseases

Due to seasonal changes, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of trouble. Farmers should deal with it by taking the right steps at an appropriate time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste.


Presently wheat crop is grown in the fields. Continuous changes are being seen in the weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes cold wave continues to wreak havoc, hence due to changes in weather, pests and diseases affecting the standing wheat crop can cause a lot of problems. Farmer brothers should deal with it by taking the right steps on time otherwise the entire crop may go to waste. There is not just one type of disease in wheat but different types of diseases. Farmers are advised to maintain and monitor their crops regularly.


Mahu or Lahi

Mahu or Lahi insects are black, green, and brown with wings and wingless. Its infants and adults suck the juice from leaves, flowers, and earrings. Due to this, there is huge damage to the crop and the crop gets ruined. Let us tell you about the advice given by scientists to save the crop from the attack of this insect.


Also read: Know how to cultivate yellow mustard?


Sow the crop on time.

Do not use insecticides if the number of ladybird wasps is sufficient.

Apply a yellow noose or sticky substance on a yellow tin sheet and make it stand in the field with the support of wood. Flying Lahi will stick to it.

Spray 50 grams of Thiomethoxam 25 percent WG per hectare or Quinalphos 25 percent EC in 2 ml per liter of water.

Harda disease

According to scientists, the possibility of attack and spread of this disease increases due to drop in atmospheric temperature after rain in this season. Brown and yellow spots are found on the leaves and stems of wheat plants. Preventive measures should be taken as soon as the environment becomes favorable for this disease.


Select disease-resistant varieties at the time of sowing.

Before sowing, seed treatment should be done with 2 grams of Carbendazim 50 percent soluble powder or 5 grams of organic fungicide per kilogram of seeds.


Also read: Mustard crop diseases and their prevention measures


As soon as a suitable environment for the fungus is created in the standing crop, spray 2 kg of Mancozeb 75 percent soluble powder, 500 ml of Propiconazole 25 percent EC per hectare, or 1 ml of Tebuconazole EC per liter of water.


Alternaria Blight

Due to Alternaria blight disease, spots are formed on the leaves, which later turn yellow and scorch the edges. To control this disease, spray 2 kg of Macozeb 75 percent soluble powder or 2 kg of Geneve 75 percent soluble powder per hectare.


Kidney disease

In Kalika disease, the black dust of fungus fills the ears in place of the grains. Even a healthy ear gets infected due to fungal spores falling in the air. This is a seed-borne disease. Farmer brothers should keep these things in mind to prevent this disease.


Also read: Farmers producing wheat must be aware of these diseases.


Sow disease-free seeds.

-Sow the seeds after treating them with Carbendizing 50 soluble powder at the rate of 2 grams per kilogram.

-Carefully cover the infested ear along with the grain with a plastic bag and destroy it after cutting.

-Do not use diseased farm produce as seeds.

The Bihar government has set up a 24-hour call center for the convenience of farmers. Here farmers can get solutions to their problems by contacting toll-free number 15545 or 18003456268.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

Crops in Odisha have suffered a lot of damage due to rain. Due to this reason, the prices of many vegetables have come down significantly. Due to bad weather, the worries of farmers remain the same. In the last several days, the weather in India has shown its different moods. Many areas are bearing the brunt of harsh winter and crops are getting ruined due to rain in many areas. 

The weather was bad in Sundergarh, Odisha for many days. As a result, horticultural crops have suffered huge losses. Due to this, the problems of farmers have also increased a lot. Many other crops including tomato, cabbage, and cauliflower have also been affected due to bad weather. The main reason for this is that farmers are forced to harvest crops before time. Along with this, farmers are also selling these crops at low prices.

Crops suffered loss due to this

According to many media agencies, crops have been badly damaged due to bad weather and heavy rains. Due to this, in many places, even the standing crops ready to be harvested have been completely ruined. According to media reports, the tomato crop has suffered the most damage. The tomato crop has started deteriorating due to rain. At the same time, the cabbage crop has also been damaged to a great extent. 

Also read: How to take care of green vegetable plants in summer season (Plant Care in Summer)

Farmers forced to harvest prematurely

The life of farmers is full of many problems and difficulties. Now in such a situation, the remaining crops of the farmers, troubled by the harsh weather, are also being sold at very low prices. Farmers are also worried about the fear that the remaining crop may also get ruined. According to reports, farmers are forced to sell their tomato crop at the rate of Rs 10 per kg. Besides, the price of cabbage has also come down to Rs 15 per kg. 

Many farmers are not able to sell their cabbage crops even at low prices. Also, the effect of weather has been seen in other crops including ladyfinger, bottle gourd, and bitter gourd. Due to this farmers are harvesting crops before the stipulated time. If media reports are to be believed, the prices of crops have come down significantly. Tomato prices range from Rs 10 to Rs 20. At the same time, the price of cauliflower has also fallen from around Rs 50 to around Rs 15 to Rs 20.

Farmers will gain tremendously from the production of sweet corn; simply take extra care of these things.

Farmers will gain tremendously from the production of sweet corn; simply take extra care of these things.

Farmers may make good money by growing sweet corn. It is quite popular both in India and overseas. Everyone remembers the taste of sweet corn, regardless of the season. Sweet corn is consumed with relish, especially on mountain hikes and during rainy seasons. Let us explain that sweet corn is a sweet kind of maize. It is picked in the milky stage, before the crop is ready. Sweet corn is immensely popular both in India and overseas. In such cases, farmer brothers can make a significant profit by farming it.

How is sweet corn grown?

Sweet corn farming is quite similar to maize cultivation. Sweet corn agriculture involves harvesting the maize crop before it is ready. As a result, farmers receive a significant revenue immediately. Farmers that cultivate flowers alongside sweet corn can earn twice as much money by co-cropping marigold, gladiolus and spices. Apart from that, you may grow spinach, peas, cabbage and coriander on the field.

Also to read: These low-cost maize crops are as nutritious as milk.

Avoid storing sweet corn for long time

Harvesting sweet corn is a straightforward operation. Let us tell you that the crop is ready for harvest when a milky material begins to emerge from the maize. Harvest sweet corn in the morning or evening to preserve the harvest fresh for longer. After harvesting is completed, sell it in the market. Sweet corn loses sweetness when stored for an extended period of time.

Farmers should take care of these things

When cultivating maize, you should only use improved kinds.

Insect-resistant types should ripen quickly.

Ensure a suitable drainage system during field preparation to prevent waterlogging of the crop.

Sweet corn is farmed across India, although the biggest output occurs in Uttar Pradesh.

Sweet corn may be sown in both the Rabi and Kharif seasons.

 A new variety of maze, “Pratap-6” Developed by MPUAT of Udaipur

A new variety of maze, “Pratap-6” Developed by MPUAT of Udaipur

Maharana Pratap University of Agricultural Technology in Udaipur has developed a new variety of maize called Pratap-6. This variety is capable of producing 70 quintal per hectare. Farmers do various types of work to get the best production from their crops. Besides, they also select the best seeds of the crop. So that they can produce maximum yield in a short period of time. In this series, today we have brought information about new and improved varieties of maize seeds for the farmers which will give a production of about 70 quintals per hectare. 

This variety becomes ripe on the farm in about 80-85 days. This variety of maize is 'Pratap-6', which has been developed by Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT) of Udaipur city. A proposal has been sent to the Central Government regarding Pratap-6 varieties of maize. Let us tell you that as soon as this proposal is approved by the government, this variety will be handed over to the farmers.

Different benefits of Pratap-6 variety of maize

Maize is said to be the best source of energy for the human body. That's because it contains abundant amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Apart from this, it contains essential minerals for the body like phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron etc. Due to this, farmers easily get the best price for maize in the market.

Also read: Environment and soil for corn production and different disease and there remedies

The new variety of maize Pratap-6 is very beneficial for the farmers as well as the animals. Let us tell you that this new variety of maize plant remains green even after ripening, feeding it to cattle can result in improvement in their health. It is being said that Pratap-6 variety plant is an excellent quality green fodder for cattle. It is estimated that except the Indian market, there may be more demand for Pratap-6 variety of maize in the foreign market also. Pratap-6 variety of maize is resistant to stem rot disease, nematode and borer etc.

How much maize is produced in India? 

Indian farmers are earning good income by cultivating maize in approximately 90 lakh hectares. Maize is cultivated in 1.50 lakh hectares in Udaipur alone. For your information, let us tell you that maize is cultivated in more than 9 lakh hectares of land in the entire state.

Know about the varieties of maize grow around the world

Know about the varieties of maize grow around the world

We are going to tell you about the glass gem corn variety of maize. This species was first produced in the Americas. However, today it is also produced on a large scale in various other countries. This species is also very beneficial in physical benefits. You must have heard a lot about various advanced varieties of maize. But, today we are going to tell you about one such multi coloured maize specie of America, which is the subject of discussion among people today. This specie of maize is also known as glass gem corn. Actually, this specie was first produced in America, not in India. But its colourful grains have made it a favourite in many countries today. Today many farmers in India are also earning big money from this variety. The cultivation of glass gem corn can be done anywhere in today's time.

Who developed this type of variety

Although the story behind the development of this variety of maize may sound strange, it is very important to know the truth. The credit of its development was given by a farmer of America, Karl Banners. In fact, at that time he had experimented with a variety of maize called Oklahoma growing in his maize field. At present, it is grown in many countries of the world.

Also readFarmers can earn good profits by choosing these varieties for maize cultivation . 

How can you grow these plants?

To grow these plants, you first need to collect its seeds. After this, make the seeds of glass jam corn in the field or garden with a distance of 30 inches in the soil you have developed. At the same time, when it comes to planting glass gem corn seeds, you should plant them at a distance of 6-12 inches. However, in such a situation, you keep giving fertiliser and water from time to time. In a few days it will be ripe and ready for harvest. For your information, let us know that it takes about 120 days to ripen.

This fruit is very useful for the body.

This is important not only for appearance, but also for physical health. This fruit is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron and Vitamin E. It is also rich in calcium and minerals. That is why this variety is useful in getting rid of various diseases of the body. You can also include this vegetable in your daily diet.

This state government has taken an important step in the interest of mustard farmers

This state government has taken an important step in the interest of mustard farmers

There is good news for the farmers of Haryana who cultivate mustard. State Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal says that during the Rabi season, the government will purchase mustard, gram, sunflower and summer moong from farmers at the fixed MSP. Also, sunflower oil will be supplied through fair price shops in 5 districts from March.

What has the Chief Secretary said about the production of crops?

In a meeting, the Chief Secretary said that 50 thousand 800 metric tonnes of sunflower, 14 lakh 14 thousand 710 metric tonnes of mustard, 26 thousand 320 metric tonnes of gram and 33 thousand 600 metric tonnes of summer moong are expected to be produced this season. The Chief Secretary said that Haryana State Warehousing Corporation, Food and Supplies Department and HAFED have also ordered to start preparations to start procurement of mustard, summer moong, gram and sunflower in Mandis.

Also read: Mustard Cultivation: Good income at low cost

When will the government start procuring mustard?

The government will start procurement of mustard at the rate of Rs 5,650 per quintal in the last week of March. Similarly, gram will be purchased from farmers at the rate of Rs 5 thousand 440 per quintal. From May 15, summer moong will be purchased at the rate of Rs 8 thousand 558 per quintal. Similarly, sunflower will be purchased from June 1 to 15 at the rate of Rs 6760 per quintal.

Those who commit negligence will not be spared

The Chief Secretary has asked the officers to make all necessary arrangements for the convenience of farmers during the procurement process and make payment for the purchased produce within three days. At the same time, he said that those who are negligent in work will not be spared at all. With this decision, farmers will also get a fair price for their produce.