

 PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

PM Modi praised the man who left his job as a software engineer and became a successful farmer.

In today's time, the government and farmers themselves are making various efforts to double their income. Due to this, farmers have started adopting new farming techniques along with traditional farming, and as a result, they are earning good profits. A farmer from Karimnagar in Telangana has also almost doubled his income by adopting similar mixed farming. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also appreciated the efforts and hard work of the farmers of Karimnagar. Also said that you are also a very strong example of possibilities in farming. Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with the beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra on 18 January 2023 through video conferencing. Thousands of beneficiaries of the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra from across India have participated in this program. Union Ministers, MPs, MLAs, and local-level representatives were also present in this program.

The annual income of graduate farmer M Mallikarjuna Reddy.

While talking to Prime Minister Modi, M Mallikarjuna Reddy, a farmer from Karimnagar, Telangana, said that he is doing animal husbandry and cultivating horticulture crops. Krishak Reddy is a B.Tech graduate and before farming, he worked in a software company. The farmer talked about his journey and said that education has helped him become a better farmer. He is following an integrated method, under which he is doing animal husbandry, horticulture, and natural farming. 

Also read: What is organic farming, benefits of organic farming

Let us tell you that the special advantage of this method is the regular daily income they get. He also does medicinal farming and is earning income from five sources. Earlier, he used to earn Rs 6 lakh every year by traditional monoculture farming. Also, currently, he is earning Rs 12 lakh every year through the integrated method, which is double his previous income.

Farmer Reddy has also been honored by the Vice President.

Kisan Reddy has been honored and rewarded by many institutions including ICAR and former Vice President Shri Venkaiah Naidu. He is also promoting integrated and natural farming a lot. Besides, they are also providing training to farmers in the surrounding areas. They have availed the benefits of a Soil Health Card, Kisan Credit Card, Drip Irrigation Subsidy, and Crop Insurance. The Prime Minister has asked them to check their interest rates on loans taken from KCC. Because the Central Government and State Government provide interest subsidies.

Farmers of Bundelkhand are getting huge benefits from the cultivation of Bluecone flower.

Farmers of Bundelkhand are getting huge benefits from the cultivation of Bluecone flower.

For your information, according to Vinay Kumar Yadav, Deputy Director of the Agriculture Department, Bluecone's nursery is prepared in November. Also, three months after planting, the flowers begin to grow on the plants.Bluecone flowers are used to make ayurvedic medications.This is why pharmaceutical firms frequently purchase bluecone flowers.

People immediately associate the word Bundelkhand with drought-stricken places. Because there is a significant water problem in the Bundelkhand region. Rainfall is also quite low when compared to other districts of Uttar Pradesh. In such a circumstance, the majority of farmers here grow coarse grains such as maize and millet. As a result, farmers get a very low income. However, farmers here are increasingly farming contemporary crops in the same way that farmers in other states do. Farmers here are becoming more interested in horticulture than is required. Because of this, the farmer brothers' income has grown.

Farmers of Bundelkhand cultivating Bluecone Flowers

For your knowledge, farmers in Bundelkhand are currently planting Bluecone flowers. It's a sort of alien flower. It is solely grown in Germany. However, farmers in Bundelkhand have begun to cultivate Bluecone as well. The main attribute of this flower is that it requires minimal watering. This means that it can grow even in drought-prone locations. This is why bluecone is cultivated in drought-prone regions of Germany.

Also to read: Cultivation of this Bougainvillaea flower with therapeutic characteristics will provide a nice revenue.

Earn near 9 lakhs by selling Bluecone flowers

The unique feature is that if you cultivate it in a single bigha, you can easily harvest up to 15 kg of blossoms every day. This means you may make Rs 30 thousand per day from a single bigha of land. In this manner, farming brothers might make Rs 9 lakh per month by selling flowers.

Flower sold at 2k per kg

Actually, the Uttar Pradesh government is currently working to encourage its cultivation in both Bundelkhand and Jhansi. According to experts, the environment here is ideal for cultivating bluecone flowers. Additionally, the Agriculture Department is establishing a nursery for these blooms. The government is giving it to farmers to cultivate. Bluecone flowers are sold in the market for Rs 2000 per kilogramme.

Farmer Raju Kumar Chaudhary has provided important information related to the cultivation of Kundru.

Farmer Raju Kumar Chaudhary has provided important information related to the cultivation of Kundru.

Kundru is a creeper vegetable crop. For this reason it is not cultivated like brinjal and potato. For the cultivation of Kundru, a wooden stand is made in the field, with the help of which the creepers of Kundru spread. Besides, pesticides should also be sprayed on the Kundru crop as per time. Farmers in Bihar are now doing new experiments in horticulture every day. They are  cultivating green vegetables as per market demand. Due to this the income of farmers has also increased. There are hundreds of farmers in Bihar who are earning huge income by selling vegetables. Today we will talk about one such farmer, who is earning lakhs of rupees from Kundru cultivation. Now other farmers also learn the nuances of farming from him.

Where is farmer Raju Kumar Choudhary from?

He is a resident of Bochahan block in Muzaffarpur district. He cultivates Kundru in his village Chakhelal. From this he earns Rs 25 lakh in a year. The main thing is that Raju Kumar Choudhary cultivates Kundru in only 1 acre. According to him, there is many times more profit in Kundru cultivation as compared to traditional crops.

Also read: Farmers can grow these crops to earn huge profits in the upcoming rabi season

For how many days can farmers produce kundru?

According to farmer Raju, Kundru is such a vegetable, which earns huge income when cultivated. Kundru crop gives production for 10 months in a year. This means that you can pluck vegetables from the Kundru garden for 10 months. Raju Kumar Chaudhary says that Kundru is not produced between December and January. After this, you can get production of Kundru from it for 10 months.

Kundru dishes are also good in taste

According to farmer Raju, Kundru is a type of cash crop. The cost of its cultivation is also very low. The main thing is that Raju has cultivated N-7 variety of Kundru. He had imported this seed from Bengal. The specialty of the N-7 variety is that its yield is higher as compared to common Kundru. Besides, it also tastes very good in food.

Also read: 5 new species of peas develoed by scientists

How much can farmers earn from the cultivation of Kundru in one portion of ​​land?

If you cultivate Kundru even in a small portion of land, you can earn a good income. By cultivating Kundru in one portion of land, you can yield up to one quintal of Kundru every fourth day. According to this, farmers can produce 70 to 80 quintals of Kundru in a year, which will generate an income of Rs 1.50 lakh. Also, Raju has told that he earns an annual income of Rs 20 to 25 lakh by cultivating Kundru in one acre.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms.

Unique structure created by a farmer to protect crops from storms. 

A farmer from Madhya Pradesh made a structure to protect his crops from storms and heavy wind. This structure isn't affected by hailstorm. Other farmers in the region are also impressed by this structure. There is a saying which means need is the cause of invention. This saying has been proven true by Aakash Chaursiya from Madhya Pradesh. Many farmers are reaching out to him for testing this new method. Due to this invention any crop can be protected from heat, winters and winds. Aaksah Chaurasiya does organic farming. He is known in the region for his thoughts for modren farming. He always keeps experimenting with different farming methods.


Unique structure to protect crops

To protect crops from harsh weather conditions Aakash Chaurasiya made a structure, in which he has prepared a net at a certain height using bamboo and grass. In winters to protect crop from morning due. But using this structure you can protect all your crops upto 12 feet heights. It can protect from hailstorm as well. And the melted water from hailstorm in turn benefits the crops. 

Also readInformation regarding the most commonly planted crops in India

Cost of making the structure

According to Aaksh the upfront cost of making the structure is Rupees 50000 but once made it lasts upto 6 years. Instead of making the structure farmers can grow two crops simultaneously. One on the ground crop production and another one a winter crop on the bamboo sticks. After making such a structure farmers can earn up to 1.5 lakhs from 1 acre of land.

Aakash Chaurasiya trains farmers for free

Aakash Chaurasiya also teaches how to build this structure for free so that other farmers can also benefit and save their crops. Aakash says farmers come to him from various different regions to learn how to build this structure. Aakash Chaurasia belongs to Sanjay Nagar where he has 2.5 acre of land covered with this structure. He also has a farmhouse in Kapuria village where he teaches other farmers how to build the structure.

The cattle farmers will earn lakhs of rupees by rearing this breed of buffalo

The cattle farmers will earn lakhs of rupees by rearing this breed of buffalo

As we all know, India is an agricultural country. There is a big demand for food and dairy products in our country. But, do you know which buffalo breed has the highest milk production capacity in India? If not, here is the answer to your question. Also, if you sell the milk of this buffalo by rearing it, then you can earn good money.

Murrah is considered to be the largest milk-producing buffalo breed in India. Murrah buffaloes provide 25 litres to 30 litres of milk per day on an average. This buffalo is reared on a large scale in North India. Cow's milk is high in protein and fat. Milk contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This buffalo milk is also used to prepare a variety of dairy products such as ghee, buttermilk, curd and butter. Talking about the price of Murrah buffalo, it ranges from Rs 50 thousand to Rs 1 lakh. Breeding this dog is extremely beneficial. A Murrah buffalo give about 25 litres of milk a day, according to which you can earn from Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 a day.

The buffalo of this breed also provides a lot of milk

At the same time, Mehsana buffalo also provides about 20 to 30 litres of milk in a day. Most of these are in Maharashtra and Gujarat. Let us tell you that this buffalo is reared in both the states. The Pandharpuri buffalo breed found in the state of Maharashtra is also known for its milk-yielding ability. Surti buffaloes are also very good at producing milk.

What is the height and weight of Murrah buffalo 

The horns of Murrah buffalo are twisted and in appearance they look powerful as compared to other buffaloes. It is mostly found in the states of Punjab and Haryana. However, it is still prevalent in other countries. Not only this, now the semen of this buffalo is also being heavily traded. Some of these animals are very tall and heavy. Their owners also send them to various competitions. In most of the competitions Murrah buffaloes remain in the forefront. However, most people follow these for milk production. It is also known as' black gold 'in Haryana. These are a little more black.

 Take special care of these things to overcome the lack of milk production

Take special care of these things to overcome the lack of milk production

Currently there is a shortage of milk in our India. The more milk we need, the production of as much milk is not being done in sufficient quantity. Annual milk yield 5000 kg in developed countries like Sweden, Denmark, Israel and America etc. The animal is per year. In comparison, only 1000 kg in India. The animal is per year. According to scientists, every person needs 280 grams of milk per day. At the same time, currently 190 grams of milk is present per day per person. Therefore, there is a great need to increase milk production in our India.

Animals provide nutrients especially from diet, fat, minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, which are used by cattle for their living, growth, yields, breeding and functionality etc. Due to less milk -giving animals inside India, crores of landless and marginal farmers, use of remaining remains of crops and lack of pastures etc. Milk production is commonly found in areas of the country where mixed farming is done. In order to take milk production as business, the substances of fodder, grains, khali and grains should be available in abundance and smoothness.

Animals suffering from infertility should be expelled with a herd

Generally, infertility is seen in young animals up to 2-3 percent and in adult animals 5 to 6 percent, which should be removed from the herd. So that the milk production level cannot decline and there is no side effects on the income from them. Also, the expenses incurred in fodder, grain and care on these animals can be saved.

Take care of cattle health

Prevention of the disease in place of therapy is quite good, so that the expenses and risk caused by the uncertainty of better diagnosis in treatment can be protected. Cows and buffaloes are prone to various types of diseases. Because heat and humidity are very high in the weather here. Due to this, animals also die more. Animals must be vaccinated to protect them from these diseases.

Provide enough diet to animals

Proper food for animals is that which is gross, interesting, interesting, hunger and balanced. Also, sufficient green fodder has also been found in it, it has got suicide and it is going to provide satisfaction. Animals should usually give food 3 times on a short time of time. Animals should be mixed with green fodder like wheat straw, straw etc. By resourceing fodder and grain, the use of animal feed can also be increased by grinding grain, cutting and soaking etc. As far as possible, animals should be given separately as per the requirement and given separately. Every cow dynasty animal has 2 to 2.5 kg. And buffalo to 3 kg. 100 kg per 100 kg Dry substances should be given on the body. Animals should be given 2/3 of the dietary diet as fodder and 1/3 as grain. 1.5 kg to pregnant cows and buffaloes. Dana should be given every day. Physical development animals 1 to 1.5 kg. Per animals should be given for body development. 1 to 1.5 kg to live the animal to live. For grain and milk production, cows have 3 liters of milk per milk and 1 kg on 2.5 liters of milk respectively. Should give grain. Animal food is also mandatory to have adequate mineral salts and vitamins.

Produce a good breed heifer by conception

Animals should always be provided with sufficient amount of clean water. To maintain life, an animal needs a lot of water daily in a large amount of water. Since lack of water affects milk production. By earning semen from male animals with artificial methods, examining, cleaning the female's reproduction, proper time and proper place is called artificial insemination. Milk breed bulls and their superstitious semen should make their cows conception and earn a military heifer of advanced breed. Which will be worth conceiving by becoming a cow in two years, as well as providing more milk. The hybrid cow (jersey child) obtained through artificial insemination gives more milk. Also, when that hybrid jersey cow is rejected by jersey breed, the cow giving 15-20 liters of milk is achieved.