

Information related to MNREGA Cattle Shed Scheme and application for it

Information related to MNREGA Cattle Shed Scheme and application for it

After farming, animal husbandry is the second largest business for farmers. Many farmers like to do animal husbandry with farming, because animal husbandry is a very profitable deal with farming. More and more green and dry fodder for animals is obtained from farming. This is the reason that the government also brings various good schemes for livestock farmers, so that livestock farmers can be benefited as much as possible. Agriculture is the main means of income of the farmer, through which most of the livestock farmers of India can also meet the requirements.

Most farmers are unable to build houses for cattle due to weak economic conditions. Animals generally suffer in cold weather. Because the need for the house is the most during the winter. To protect animals from rain and cold, it is necessary to build sheds for animals. The government is providing a grant of Rs 1 lakh 60 thousand to the farmers to build sheds or houses for animals.

How much benefit will you get

MNREGA cattle shed scheme will provide wide scale benefits to farmers. Significantly, farmers have to face shortage of milk in milch animals in general during the cold season. Actually, the main reason for this is the lack of proper house or shed for animals in the cold season. Under the MNREGA cattle shed scheme, subsidy is provided by the government to the farmers on the construction of houses for animals. This will ensure proper care of the animals. Urinal tanks etc. can also be arranged in the shed. This will not only take care of the animals but will also increase the income of the farmers. Also, the standard of living of farmers will improve.

Also read: How to take care of milch animals in cold

MNREGA Cattle Shed Scheme

This grant is provided to livestock farmers on building houses for animals. This scheme provides funds to build houses to save animals from cold or rain. By building a house for animals, farmers will be able to take care of their animals and will also be able to increase the milking capacity of the animal. MNREGA cattle shed scheme will provide comprehensive benefits to farmers.

How much benefit does MNREGA cattle shed get

Under the MNREGA cattle shed scheme, farmers are given a grant of Rs 1 lakh 60 thousand for building cattle sheds. The benefit of this scheme is given to the farmers through the bank. The money received from this scheme is in a way a loan for the farmers whose interest rate is very low.

Also read: Cattle farmers can get 800 litres of milk from this breed of cow

Who will get the benefit under the scheme

Some of the eligibility conditions for the benefit under MNREGA Cattle Shed Scheme are as follows.

The benefit of this scheme will be provided only to Indian farmers. The number of animals must be at least 3 or more.

Mandatory Documents for the Scheme

It is mandatory to have some necessary documents to apply in this scheme to build houses for animals. Such as – Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Farmer Registration, Bank Passbook, Mobile Number, Email ID (if any)

Procedure to apply for the scheme

To get a grant in the scheme to build a house for animals, contact the nearest government bank branch. SBI provides loans under this scheme. Fill the application form in the branch itself and submit it. In this way, the benefit of this scheme will be received by the farmers.



Farmers can grow bananas with the help of tissue culture technique. This will greatly increase the income of the farmers. Also, the quality of the crop will also be good. Bananas are cultivated on a large scale in India. From vegetables to making chips, bananas are in great demand. Now in such a situation, the farmer brothers can earn a lot of profit by cultivating it. But, farmers can use tissue culture techniques for banana production .


Cultivating Bananas with tissue culture technique can prove to be a very profitable business. The plants manufactured through this technique are disease-free and uniform, thereby improving the quality of the crop as well as the yield. There is improvement. In this, a small piece of the plant is produced in a special medium . This medium contains nutrients and hormones that help plant cells to divide at a rapid rate. Within a few months, the plants grow sufficiently and can be planted inside the field .

Also Read: Most Important Nutrient for Banana Cultivation Potash Deficiency Symptoms and Techniques to manage it


The farmers of Bihar are also producing bananas in a tissue culture manner, which will increase the quality of banana production in Bihar. Happening. The banana plant production is best produced in optimally drained and sandy loam soils. Loosen the soil well and remove weeds completely .  


1) Plants manufactured with tissue culture techniques are free from disease, which helps in protecting the crop from diseases .

2) The plants prepared with tissue culture technology are of uniform size, which greatly improves the quality of the crop.

3) Plants constructed with tissue culture technique start bearing fruits faster than those prepared in a normal way.

4) Plants prepared with tissue culture technique give more production than plants prepared in the traditional way.

This state is providing a 70% subsidy for the cultivation of marigold.

This state is providing a 70% subsidy for the cultivation of marigold.

Marigold flowers are mostly used in worship. Along with this, marigold is also used in decorating houses and pavilions in weddings. This is the reason why there is constant demand for it in the market throughout the year. Therefore if farmers practise its cultivation they can maximise their profits with minimal investment.

In addition to producing conventional crops, farmers in Bihar practise large-scale horticulture. Farmers, in particular, are becoming increasingly interested in the production of roses and marigolds. As a result, farmers' incomes have improved significantly. Farmers here produce crops that are in high demand not just in Bihar but even outside of the state. Many farmers in the state have had their lives dramatically altered as a result of flower growing.

The Bihar government is providing incentives to enhance the area of flower cultivation.

However, the Bihar government wants the number of farmers planting flowers in the state to expand at a quicker rate. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's government intends to offer large incentives to expand the state's flower growing sector. Actually, the Bihar government claims that flowers are a commercial crop. If the state's farmers produce flowers, their revenue will increase. In such a case, they would be able to have a happy existence.

Also  read: Cultivate these flowers, and you will be prosperous soon.

The Bihar government is providing a 70% grant.

This is why the Bihar government has decided to provide a considerable payment to farmers planting flowers via the Integrated Horticulture Development Mission Scheme. The Nitish government presently provides a 70% subsidy for marigold farming. If farmer brothers wish to apply for this grant, they may do so by visiting the Horticulture Department's official website. For additional details about the initiative, farmer brothers can go to

The government of Bihar has established the unit cost per acre.

The Bihar government has fixed the unit cost per hectare for marigold farming at Rs 40 thousand. Let us notify you that a 70% award will be available on top of this. If the farmer brothers plant marigold on one hectare, the state government would provide them Rs 28 thousand free of charge. Apply as soon as possible to benefit from the Kisan Bhai Yojana.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

To get maximum benefits from mango orchards, flower (landscape) management is essential, know what to do and what not to do.

In North India, especially Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the appearance of mango starts in the second week of February, it is determined by the different varieties of mango and the temperature at that time. Mango (Mangifera indica) is the most important tropical fruit in India. In India, it is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India for the year 2020-21, mango is cultivated in 2316.81 thousand hectares in India, from which 20385.99 thousand tonnes are produced. The national productivity of mango is 8.80 tonnes per hectare. In Bihar, it is cultivated in 160.24 thousand hectares area from which 1549.97 thousand tonnes of production is obtained. The productivity of mango in Bihar is 9.67 tonnes per hectare. Which is slightly higher than the national productivity.

To increase the productivity of mangoes, it is necessary to know how to scientifically manage the orchard after planting of Manjar Tikola. Flowering is an important stage in mango as it directly affects the fruit yield. Flowering in mangoes is highly dependent on variety and environmental conditions. Thus, proper management strategies adopted during the flowering stage of mango directly affect fruit production.

Arrival of mango blossom

Mango trees usually begin flowering when mature after 5-8 years of growth, before which the flowers should be plucked. The flowering season of mango in North India generally begins in mid-February. Mango flowering initiation requires 20-25°C during the day time and 10-15°C during the night with bright sunlight. However, depending on the timing of flowering, fruit development begins by May–June. High humidity, frost, or rain during the flowering period affects flower formation. Cloudy weather during flowering helps in the spread of mango hopper and powdery mildew and anthracnose diseases, which hampers the growth and flowering of mango.

Also read: Favorable environmental conditions and orchard management for mango flowering

What effect does flowering have on fruit production in mango?

Mango flowers are small, yellow, or pinkish-red depending on the mango species, clustered in clusters that hang down from the branches. They are bisexual flowers but cross-pollination by pollinators contributes to the maximum fruit set. Common pollinators include bees, wasps, moths, butterflies, flies, beetles, and ants. The number of flowers produced and the duration of the flowering stage directly affect fruit yield. However, flowering is influenced by many factors such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, insect and disease infestation, and availability of water and nutrients. These factors affect the timing and intensity of flowering. If the above factors are not optimal during the flowering stage, it will result in fewer or smaller fruits. Not all flowers produced will produce fruit. Proper pollination is essential for the fruit to fully set and develop. Even after adequate pollination, only a certain proportion of flowers form due to the mass dropping of flowers and fruits due to several factors such as weather conditions and insect infestation. This ultimately affects the yield and quality of fruits. The timing, duration, and intensity of flowering significantly affect fruit production in mango trees.

Mango Flower Management
Traction actions

Proper cutting and pruning of mango trees after harvesting of the fruit results in good and healthy flowers. Pruning – Due to lack of pruning, the mango canopy becomes dense, due to which light is not able to penetrate the internal parts of the tree and thus flowering and yield are reduced. Pruning the tips of the branches triggers flowering. The best time to prune is after the fruit has been harvested, usually from June to August. Tip pruning, done 10 cm above the last internode, improves flowering. Girdling is a method used to induce the formation of fruit buds in mangoes. It involves removing strips of bark from the trunk of the mango tree. It increases flowering, fruit set, and fruit size by increasing foliar carbohydrates and plant hormones in the aboveground parts of the girdle by blocking the downward transfer of metabolites through the phloem. By making a circle at the time of emergence of inflorescence, the accumulation of fruits increases. The depth of girdling should be kept in mind. Excessive girth depth can damage the tree. This work should be done only after expert supervision or training.

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are used to control flowering and increase yields by influencing the physiological processes that control plant growth and development. NAAs also help prevent flowering, bud drop, and fruit ripening. They help in increasing fruit size, increasing and improving fruit quality and yield. Planofix @ 1ml The medicine should be dissolved in 3 liters of water and sprayed just before the flowers emerge and the second spraying should be done when the fruit is equal to a pea. This spraying is necessary to prevent the tikolo (small mango fruits) from falling. To promote flowering, apply phosphorus fertilizer at the pre-flowering stage. Adequate potassium levels can enhance flowering in mango trees and increase the number of flowers and fruits. Potassium helps transport nutrients and water to the fruit, which is essential for its growth and size. It also helps in increasing the resistance of plants to moisture stress, heat, frost, and disease. The use of micronutrients gives better results by improving flowering, fruit quality, and controlling fruit drop. 

Also read: How to manage the problem of tip burn of mango leaves?

Pests and Disease Management

During flowering and fruit formation, the chances of insect and disease infestation are high, leading to premature drop of flowers and fruits. Mango hopper, flower gall midge, mealy bug, and leaf webber are the major pests attacking mango flowers. Mango powdery mildew, mango malformation, and anthracnose are diseases that affect mango flowers resulting in reduced fruit growth. Check the symptoms and management of pests and diseases in mango flowers to increase the fruit yield - Diseases and pests in mango flowers should be managed.

For the last 4-5 years, the problem of the mealy bug (Gujiya) has been increasing year by year in Bihar. For the management of this pest, it is necessary to clean the garden around December-January and sprinkle Chlorpyrifos 1.5 D. dust @ 250 grams per tree in the soil and to prevent mealy bug (Gujiya) insects from climbing the tree, a 45 cm strip of alkaline should be tied with twine around the main stem of the mango. By doing this this insect will not be able to climb the tree. If you have not done this before and the Gujiya insect has climbed the tree, then in such a situation apply Dimethoate 30 EC. Or Quinalphos 25 EC @ 1.5 ml should be dissolved in per liter of water and sprayed. In mango orchards that are not managed properly, there are a large number of hoppers or maggot insects, hence the sunlight must reach the ground in the orchard. Where the orchard is dense, there also the number of these insects is higher. When insects appear on trees, these insects are very good food sources for these insects, due to which there is a huge increase in the number of these insects. The second sign of the presence of these insects is when we go near the garden. When we go, swarms of insects come near us. If these insects are not managed, they suck the juice from the plant and the plant falls. When 10-12 maggots are visible per blossom, then we should spray Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 1 ml dissolved in 2 liters of water. This spraying should be done before the flowers bloom, otherwise, the bees coming to the garden get affected, which reduces pollination and affects the yield. 

           For the management of Powdery Mildew/Kharra disease, it is necessary to spray soluble sulfur @ 2 grams/liter dissolved in water before the arrival of the disease. When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius, the severity of this disease starts reducing automatically.

Also read: How to manage if the mango tree is drying from top to bottom (top dieback)?

The blossoms suffering from Gumma disease should be cut and removed. If there is a problem with stem borer or leaf-cutting insects in the garden, then use Quinalphos 25 EC. @ 2 ml of medicine should be dissolved in / liter of water and sprayed. But it is worth noting that from just before the flowers bloom to when the flowers are in bloom, do not use any chemicals at any time, otherwise, pollination is badly affected and there is a possibility of the soft parts of the flower getting injured.

5. Pollination

    The mango flower has both male and female reproductive organs in the same flower. However, mango flowers are relatively small and do not produce large amounts of pollen. Therefore, they rely heavily on pollinators such as flies, wasps, and other insects to transfer pollen between flowers. Without pollination, mango flowers may not produce fruit, or the fruit may become small or misshapen. Mango yield increases through cross-pollination. It is important to note that insecticides and fungicides should not be sprayed during the full bloom stage as pollination by insects will be affected at this time which will reduce the yield. To get a good yield from the mango orchard, it would be good to keep bee colony boxes in the mango orchard, this helps in good pollination and more fruits are produced. 

6. Weather Conditions

  Optimum weather conditions during flowering increase successful fruit set rates and yields. For example, excessive wind speed causes flowers and fruits to fall en masse. Thus, it is necessary to protect mango orchards from wind by installing windbreaks or shelterbelts.

Also read: Professor in this state is earning profits worth lakhs from mango farming 

7. Water Management

  Mango trees require adequate amounts of water, especially during the growing season. Insufficient or excessive watering can reduce fruit yield and quality. Proper water management also helps prevent diseases and pests, which thrive in moist environments. In hot and dry climates, irrigation can help increase humidity levels and reduce temperature fluctuations, providing a more favorable environment for mango growth. Excessive irrigation can reduce soil temperature, resulting in reduced plant growth and development. On the other hand, inadequate watering can increase soil temperatures, damaging plant roots and reducing yields. Thus, effective water management is essential to ensure healthy plant growth and fruit production. Irrigation should not be done between 2 to 3 months before flowering and when the fruit becomes the size of a pea. Some gardeners irrigate the mango at the time of flowering and flowering, due to which the flowers fall. Therefore, it is advised not to irrigate until the fruit becomes equal to a pea. 


Mango flower management for higher yields involves a combination of strategies aimed at optimizing plant growth, managing pests and diseases, and ensuring optimal environmental conditions for flower development and pollination. Following these management practices can increase flower and fruit production, leading to higher yields and improved fruit quality. 

Dr. SK Singh Professor (Plant Pathology) and Head of the Department, Post Graduate Department of Plant Pathology, Principal Investigator, All India Fruit Research Project, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa-848 125, Samastipur, Bihar

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Vegetable prices increased in this state due to rain

Vegetable prices increased in this state due to rain

Crops have suffered a lot due to excessive rain. Due to this, the production of many types of vegetables including parwal, radish, cauliflower and brinjal has declined. Let us tell you that due to the rains, the arrival of vegetables in the markets has been greatly affected, the prices of vegetables have increased once again. The intermittent rains in Bihar for the past several days have once again increased inflation. Especially the prices of vegetables have gone up. The matter of inflation is that on Thursday evening the price of many vegetables has reached around Rs 100 per kg. In such a situation, green vegetables have become extinct from the common plate. Also, traders say that along with the rains, the price of vegetables has increased so much due to the Jitiya festival.

Also read: Farmers are making huge profits growing green vegetables instead of traditional crops

In fact, it has been raining intermittently for the last four-five days in the entire Bihar state including the capital Patna. Because of this, the price of green vegetables has reached sky high. It is being said that due to bad weather, the arrival of vegetables in the markets has also been greatly affected. Due to this, their price has increased by Rs 10 to Rs 20 per kg.

At what price are vegetables being sold?

Local vegetable shopkeepers of Patna say that there has been a huge increase in the prices of vegetables in the last four to five days. Cauliflower, which was priced at Rs 40 per kg four days ago, is now being sold at Rs 60 to Rs 80 per kg. Similarly, tomatoes and nanua have also become very expensive. Both these vegetables are being sold for up to Rs 30 per kg.

Also read: By growing vegetables at home you can have fresh and clean vegetables for free

Prices will increase during Navratri

The special thing is that Sarputiya (Bourd Gourd) is making most people cry. On Thursday evening it had become Rs 200 per kg, whereas in such conditions it was sold at Rs 10 to Rs 20 per kg. Also, a lot of people were buying Sarputiya (Bucumber) even at Rs 10 a piece. Also, farmers say that due to the torrential rains in the month of October, the flowers of vegetables have fallen. At the same time, crops of other vegetables including brinjal, cabbage and radish got spoiled in the field itself. In such a situation, there has been a decline in the production of vegetables. Jai Prakash Verma, Vice President of Fruit Vegetable Association of Patna Market Committee, has said that the price of fruits is currently stable. But, there may be a rise in their prices during Navratri.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari has said that in a poor state like Bihar, it is very important for women to be self-reliant. At present, many women of the state are creating their new identity by joining livelihood. Besides, she is also earning a good income from farming.

Women are also currently walking shoulder to shoulder with men in the state of Bihar. Now whether it is in the field of education or farming. Today women are making their place in every field. Today in this article we will give you information about a woman who is earning lakhs of rupees from vegetable farming. Nowadays this woman farmer is being discussed in all the areas of the district. The main thing is that this woman farmer cultivates green vegetables through the organic method. This is the reason why many people from other villages also come to buy vegetables from him.

The name of the female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari 

For your information, let us tell you that the name of this female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari. She is a native of Phulerpur village of Athamalgola block in Patna district. At present, Sangeeta Kumari is cultivating other green vegetables including mushrooms and potatoes with the help of zero tillage. Along with this, she is also training other women in farming. Sangeeta Kumari says, “Earlier I used to have a shortage of money to meet household expenses. I didn't even have a thousand rupees at that time. But, since I have taken up vegetable farming, their economic condition has changed. Today Sangeeta is earning more than two lakh rupees annually due to farming. Due to this, his family has also become very happy.

Also read: By cultivating these vegetables, farmers can earn more income at less expense and in less time.

Female farmer Sangeeta started mushroom cultivation 

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari cultivates mushrooms, potatoes, and other crops in one bigha of land. Besides, he is also working on the post of Chief Minister in Jeevika. According to Sangeeta Kumari, her daughter got married in the year 2015. After this, the financial condition of his house became very bad. Now in such a situation, her husband started a job in a school at Rs 1500 per month. But, it was difficult to meet household expenses with so little money. In such a situation, after joining Jeevika in 2016, Sangeeta took training in cultivating mushrooms and other vegetables in 2019. After this, he came home and started mushroom cultivation. 

Also read: Blue mushroom cultivation started in the state, tribals are getting bumper profits

How much income is female farmer Sangeeta earning?

For the first time, he has earned Rs 10,000 by selling mushrooms. Also, potatoes have been grown in two pots through the zero tillage method. This yielded more than 40 maunds of potatoes. Sangeeta Kumari further says that along with cultivating potatoes in one bigha, she also produces other vegetables including tomato, cabbage, chili, and brinjal. Due to this, he is earning more than Rs 2 lakh in a year.

Bihar Agriculture Minister will also talk about the farmers with the farmers through the program

Bihar Agriculture Minister will also talk about the farmers with the farmers through the program

The Agriculture Minister of Bihar State is also preparing a plan to run a program called Mann Ki Baat. Bihar Agriculture Minister will discuss the problems of the farmers through video conferencing in "farmers' program" After Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who reached the people through the mind of the people of India, now the Agriculture Minister of Bihar State is also planning to run a program of Mann Ki Baat. Actually, the Agriculture Minister will hear the problems of the farmers under this scheme. Let us tell you for information that recently, President of India Draupadi Murmu is coming to Patna to inaugurate the fourth agricultural road map of Bihar. Bihar Agriculture Minister will discuss the problems of farmers through video conferencing in "farmers' program"

Also read: 11 thousand tenants will be  benefited from this bill approved by Draupadi Murmu

There will be discussion to prepare new rules

At present, the market committee has been completely dissolved in Bihar. The state government wants to bring a proposal to start it once by making new rules for this. According to the Agriculture Minister, if some new laws have to be enacted for this, then it will be made and commissioned once again. This time the state government will create a new system with strict laws for the market committee, which will be made examples in other states as well. After this law, both the farmers and traders of the state will get benefits.

Also read: Agricultural Road Map is going to launch Bihar government on 1 April; get to know how change will happen

The program started “farmers tales with agriculture minister"

For your information,let us tell you that the state government has started this program of Mann Ki Baat "The matter of farmers with the Agriculture Minister", which it will now carry forward every month. Under this program in the state, many farmers put their problems before the Agriculture Minister, in which the farmers also mentioned the problem of not giving credit cards by the agricultural banks. At the same time, in response to this, the Agriculture Secretary has said that the state government will currently run a special campaign for Kisan Credit Cards. Under this campaign, she will provide a credit card to the farmers.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an alert regarding rain in many states

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an alert regarding rain in many states

The weather patterns have changed in India today. According to the Meteorological Department, alert has been issued in many states today, after which there will be a feeling of coolness. At the same time, there is an idea of heavy rains for the next two days in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The weather has changed the effect in other states including Delhi-UP during Navratri. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has feared rain in many states. At the same time, an alert has been issued regarding rain in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and other states. With this, snowfall has started in Uttarakhand. Kedarnath Dham received the first snowfall of the season on Sunday. Whereas there will be light rains in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Muzaffarabad. There is a possibility of rain in Delhi-NCR and Uttar Pradesh. Apart from this, there will be light rain in some parts of Rajasthan. At the same time, heavy rains are expected in Pt. Bengal and coastal Karnataka including Konkan, Goa, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Maharashtra, Bihar.

How will the weather be in the next 24 hours

According to the Meteorological Department, light to moderate rains in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Lakshadweep and coastal Karnataka may receive heavy rains at some places. At the same time, light to moderate rain and snowfall may occur on the western Himalayas. At the same time, sporadic hailstorm is possible in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan with light to moderate rains. At the same time, in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and North Bihar, light rains may receive moderate rains at one or two places. Apart from this, there is a possibility of light rain in Northern Madhya Pradesh, Southern Konkan and Goa and Rayalaseema.

Also read: Indian Meteorological Department advised farmers, how to take care of crops and animals in monsoon

How is the weather going to be in Delhi today

According to the Meteorological Department, Delhi-NCR may receive rainfall, due to which the maximum temperature can be seen by 3 to 4 degrees. After this, the cold will also be realized.

What is the mood of the weather in UP

According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of light rain in about 50 districts of Uttar Pradesh till 17-18 October. At the same time, yellow alert has been issued for thunder to moderate rains in Rampur, Bareilly, Pilibhit, Shahjahanpur, Sambhal and Badaun.

How will the weather be in Madhya Pradesh

According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of light rain in many districts of Madhya Pradesh. At the same time, during the last 24 hours, there has been rain somewhere in the districts of Ujjain, Gwalior, Chambal and Jabalpur divisions of the state.

Also read: Rain is going to be held in these parts of India, IMD has issued an orange alert

How will the weather be in Rajasthan

There is a possibility of rain again in Rajasthan. According to the Meteorological Department, a new western disturbance is likely to be active by the end of this week. Most areas of Rajasthan are expected to receive light to moderate rains.

To promote vegetable production there is a 75% subsidy in this state.

To promote vegetable production there is a 75% subsidy in this state.

To increase vegetable production and to help farmers in Bihar, the state government is running the Vegetable Development Scheme. According to this scheme, the government is providing a 75% subsidy on the purchase of the seeds. In Bihar, farmers have started sowing vegetables with Rabi crops to promote vegetable production. The government is also supporting them so that the income of farmers can increase along with the production capacity. Along with this, the government is providing grants to encourage vegetable production. Also, a plan is being prepared to encourage more farmers to produce seeds under the Vegetable Development Scheme. 

Bihar government has started the Vegetable Development Scheme, under which grants will be provided for the cultivation of various vegetables. Under this scheme, farmers will get grants for the distribution of seeds of high-value vegetables. The government is also providing subsidies for the cultivation of cucumber, brinjal, and other vegetables without seeds. The online application process for this has also started. Interested farmers have the opportunity to apply so that they can take advantage of this scheme.

The government is providing up to 75% subsidy on seeds.

The Bihar government has decided to provide funds to the farmers on the seeds of improved varieties of vegetables, in which a 75 percent subsidy is included in the unit cost of high-value cucumbers and brinjals. Under the Vegetable Development Scheme, farmers will be provided funds up to the prescribed limit in one sub-component. Funds will be provided for purchases of vegetables worth Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000. Farmers will also be provided funds for vegetable farming seeds ranging from 0.25 acres to 2.5 acres.


Also readLeaving a government job, Mukesh is earning huge profits from cucumber farming through polyhouse. 

The application has to be made through online mode.

Horticulture Officer Suraj Pandey says that to avail of the benefits of the Vegetable Development Scheme, farmers will have to apply online. He informed me that this process has now been started. He has said that for the farmers who want to take advantage of the scheme, it is necessary for them to already have a 13-digit DBT number. Let us tell you that those farmers who do not have this number, can get this number by registering on the official website After getting the registration number, farmers can apply online by visiting the link of website.

Mushroom Farming: Facility of 50 percent subsidy on mushroom cultivation

Mushroom Farming: Facility of 50 percent subsidy on mushroom cultivation

Under the Integrated Horticulture Mission Scheme of the Bihar government, farmers of the state are being given the facility of subsidy up to 50 percent on mushroom cultivation. With this, along with mushroom production in the state, the income of mushrooms can also increase. Farmers can earn good profits in a short period of time by cultivating mustard. But, for this, it is extremely important for the farmers to have the right information related to mushroom cultivation. For your information, let us know that the cultivation of mushrooms is also financially supported by the government. In this series, now the Bihar government has provided excellent subsidy facility to the farmers of the state to cultivate mushrooms. 

In fact, the farmers cultivating mushrooms will be given a subsidy of up to 50 percent by the Bihar government, which will increase the yield of mushrooms in the state as well as the income of the farmers. This facility of subsidy on mushroom cultivation is being provided by the government under the Integrated Horticulture Mission Scheme. In such a situation, let us know in detail about the subsidy on mushroom cultivation from the Bihar government.

How much subsidy will be available on mushroom cultivation 

Under the Integrated Horticulture Mission Scheme of the Bihar government, the facility of subsidy has been started for farmers on mushroom cultivation. The government has also issued some guidelines for this scheme, under which the cost of the mushroom production unit has been fixed at about Rs 20 lakh, out of which the farmers of the state will get the benefit of subsidy up to about Rs 10 lakh. It is being said that in this scheme of the government, 50 percent financial assistance will be given on mushroom spawn and mushroom compost.

Also read : The younger women farmers started cultivating mushrooms and today they are earning millions of rupees. 

Application process for grant on mushroom cultivation 

Interested farmers of the state can apply online by visiting the official website of Bihar Horticulture at Apart from this, farmers can also contact their nearest agriculture department to get more information related to this scheme.

A 75% subsidy will be given for papaya cultivation in this state.

A 75% subsidy will be given for papaya cultivation in this state.

Bihar government will provide subsidies to the farmers cultivating papaya. Farmer brothers can take advantage of this by visiting the official site. Various types of fruits are also cultivated in Bihar, in which litchi is very special. But, at present the government has started giving grants to the farmer brothers to encourage papaya cultivation. Bumper grants will be given to the farmers cultivating it.

Papaya farming is a very profitable business. Papaya is a delicious and nutritious fruit, which is consumed throughout the year. Seeing the huge income potential of papaya cultivation in the horticulture sector, the Bihar government is encouraging the farmers of the state. Under this, the government gives a good grant to the farmers for planting papaya orchards.

Benefits will be available under the Integration Horticulture Mission Scheme.

Under the Integrated Horticulture Development Mission Scheme, a 75% subsidy is given to farmers for papaya cultivation. The state government has fixed the unit cost of papaya cultivation at Rs 60,000 per hectare. Farmers will get a subsidy of 75% (Rs 45,000) on this. Cultivation of papaya in one hectare will cost only Rs 15 thousand.

Also read: Begusarai farmer Neeraj earned a profit of lakhs by cultivating papaya in 2 acres.

Farmers apply here.

Farmers are interested in papaya cultivation in the state. Also, want to get the benefits of the government scheme. Such farmers will have to apply by visiting the official site Let us tell you that for more information, farmer brothers can also contact the official site or the nearest Horticulture Department office.

85% percent grant will be given to open fox nut processing unit in Bihar

85% percent grant will be given to open fox nut processing unit in Bihar

If you want to earn lakhs by setting up fox nut processing units, then today's article is very beneficial for you. In India, 85% of the fox nut is produced only in Bihar. Mithilanchal fox nut of Bihar has also achieved GI Tag. With fox nut cultivation, the state government is emphasising on fox nut processing. In this episode, a capital subsidy has been offered to set up a fox nut processing unit.

With this move of the state government, you will be able to earn a great amount by setting up fox nut processing units. However, due to lack of processing units, the farmer does not make much profit even after high yields. In such a situation, the Nitish government of Bihar has taken a big step towards increasing the income of fox nut producing farmers.

Fox nut processing unit will be encouraged

Actually, the Bihar government believes that despite being a fox nut producing state, farmers of Bihar are not able to earn proper profits. Due to lack of food processing units, farmers are forced to sell their yields at a low price. If the fox nut processing unit in the state is encouraged, then the income of farmers will increase. Also, farmers will also become self -sufficient. This is the reason that the government has decided to give a grant on fox nut processing units to the farmers. For this, under the Bihar Agricultural Promotion Policy, the government has created a plan to increase the fox nut processing unit.

Farmers can benefit from grant

Farmers can apply to avail this scheme. Under the scheme, grants will be given to farmers who want to set up a processing unit. To take advantage of the grant, you will have to apply online by visiting the Horticulture Directorate website

How much grant will be received to open a fox nut processing unit?

If you want to invest through personal, partnership, committee or any company to open a processing unit, then you will get a grant of up to 15 percent. At the same time, there will be a 25% percent grant for farmer producing companies. Farmers will have to apply on time to avail the grant. If farmers want to achieve more information, then they can directly contact the District Horticulture Officer.

Also read: They can also be farmers by cultivating fox nut, get 75% subsidy 

Fox nut is cultivated in these districts of Bihar state

Makhana of Bihar is famous in the country and the world. This is the reason that GI tag has also been achieved to Mithila's fox nut. Fox nut is cultivated in Bihar mostly in Supaul, Madhubani, Samastipur and Darbhanga districts. Bihar's participation in fox nut's yield is 80 to 90 percent. Now in such a situation, farmers of Bihar can avail this scheme of the government.