

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Farmers can earn good profits by producing these varieties of moong in Zaid

Moong farming is rather straightforward when compared to other pulse crops. Using less manure and fertiliser in moong production can result in significant gains. Moong farming is low-cost, and farmers can increase their profitability by generating better cultivars. This pulse has a variety of nutrients that are extremely good for health.

The market price of moong crops is fairly good, therefore farmers will make good earnings. In this essay, we will tell you about several advanced types of moong that you may cultivate to make a high profit.

Moong Varieties with high yield and diversity

Pusa Giant Variety

This kind of moong matures approximately 60-75 days in the spring and 60-65 days in the summer. IARI produced this kind of moong. This mung bean is resistant to the yellow mosaic virus. This moong is black and glossy. This moong is predominantly produced in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab. After maturity, this moong produces 12-13 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Moong growing is a successful business; understand the proper seeding technique.

Pusa Ratna Variety

Moong of the Pusa Ratna variety matures in 65-70 days. IARI produced this kind of moong. Pusa Ratna tolerates the yellow mosaic used in moong cultivation. This kind of moong is easily cultivated in Punjab and other districts of Delhi NCR.

Pusa 9531

This moong species grows well on both lowlands and hills. This variety's plants mature in 60-65 days and are ready for harvest. Its pods turn light brown after ripening. Furthermore, yellow spot disease is infrequent in this variety. This cultivar yields 12 to 15 quintals per hectare.

Also to read: Pests and illnesses of moong.

H U M -1

Banaras Hindu University developed this kind of moong, which has extremely few pods. This moong cultivar ripens in around 65-70 days. Furthermore, the yellow mosaic disease, which occurs in the moong crop, has little influence on it.


This kind of moong thrives throughout the Zaid season. This type may be grown well even in the Kharif season. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Also, this variety yields 8-10 quintals per acre.

Also to read: Soybean, cotton, pigeon pea, and moong planting may fall dramatically, affecting production.

Gold 12 /333

This moong is specially produced for the Zaid season. Plants of this cultivar mature two months after seeding. This cultivar yields around 10 quintals per hectare.

Pant Moong -1

This kind of moong may be cultivated throughout both the Zaid and Kharif seasons. Bacterial infections seldom afflict this type of moong. This cultivar ripens within 70-75 days. Pant Moong-1's typical output is 10-12 quintals.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

The indifference of the weather took away the smile of these farmers of India.

Crops in Odisha have suffered a lot of damage due to rain. Due to this reason, the prices of many vegetables have come down significantly. Due to bad weather, the worries of farmers remain the same. In the last several days, the weather in India has shown its different moods. Many areas are bearing the brunt of harsh winter and crops are getting ruined due to rain in many areas. 

The weather was bad in Sundergarh, Odisha for many days. As a result, horticultural crops have suffered huge losses. Due to this, the problems of farmers have also increased a lot. Many other crops including tomato, cabbage, and cauliflower have also been affected due to bad weather. The main reason for this is that farmers are forced to harvest crops before time. Along with this, farmers are also selling these crops at low prices.

Crops suffered loss due to this

According to many media agencies, crops have been badly damaged due to bad weather and heavy rains. Due to this, in many places, even the standing crops ready to be harvested have been completely ruined. According to media reports, the tomato crop has suffered the most damage. The tomato crop has started deteriorating due to rain. At the same time, the cabbage crop has also been damaged to a great extent. 

Also read: How to take care of green vegetable plants in summer season (Plant Care in Summer)

Farmers forced to harvest prematurely

The life of farmers is full of many problems and difficulties. Now in such a situation, the remaining crops of the farmers, troubled by the harsh weather, are also being sold at very low prices. Farmers are also worried about the fear that the remaining crop may also get ruined. According to reports, farmers are forced to sell their tomato crop at the rate of Rs 10 per kg. Besides, the price of cabbage has also come down to Rs 15 per kg. 

Many farmers are not able to sell their cabbage crops even at low prices. Also, the effect of weather has been seen in other crops including ladyfinger, bottle gourd, and bitter gourd. Due to this farmers are harvesting crops before the stipulated time. If media reports are to be believed, the prices of crops have come down significantly. Tomato prices range from Rs 10 to Rs 20. At the same time, the price of cauliflower has also fallen from around Rs 50 to around Rs 15 to Rs 20.

Farmers get the best production from these advanced varieties of peas in this Rabi season.

Farmers get the best production from these advanced varieties of peas in this Rabi season.

Peas are sown by farmers in the Rabi season from October. Today we are going to give you information about some of its major advanced varieties. Farmers can sow the varieties of peas prepared in a short period of time from the last week of September to October. With its cultivation, farmers can double their income. Let us explain that these are the major crops of Kashi Nandini, Kashi Mukti, Kashi Uday and Kashi early crops. Their speciality is that they are cooked and ready during 50 to 60 days. This makes the field empty quickly. After this, farmers can easily sow other crops. Farmers can sow pea species prepared in a short period of time from the last week of September to October.

Advanced variety of peas
Advanced variety of peas Kashi Nandini

This variety was developed in the year 2005. It is cultivated in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Punjab. With this, an average of 110 to 120 quintals can be produced per hectare.

Also read: Detailed information about important aspects related to pea cultivation

Advanced variety of peas Kashi liberation

This variety is mainly considered favourable for Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Bihar. For your information, let us  tell you that it can lead to 115 quintals per hectare. Its legumes and grains are quite large. The main thing is that there is a lot of demand abroad.

Advanced variety of peas Kashi early

This variety is cooked in a 50 -day time period.Its beans are straight and deep. The length of its plants ranges from 58 to 61 cm. Its 1 plant can cost 9 to 10 legumes. This can lead to yield of 95 to 100 quintals per hectare.

Also read: let's know how to sow peas and take  care of them

Advanced variety of peas Kashi rise

For your information, let us tell you that this species was prepared in the year 2005. Its specialty is that the length of its pod is 9 to 10 centimetres. It is mainly cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. This can provide yield of up to 105 quintals per hectare. For your information, let us tell you that by its cultivation, farmers can double their income. Kashi Mukti, Kashi Udaya, Kashi Aghati and Kashi Nandini are prominent among them. Their special thing is that it is ready within 50 to 60 days. This makes the field empty quickly. After this, farmers can easily sow other crops.

 It is going to rain in these parts of India, IMD has issued an orange alert.

It is going to rain in these parts of India, IMD has issued an orange alert.

The Meteorological Department says that there will be heavy rain in various areas of Odisha. According to experts, this rain will be extremely beneficial for the farmers.

Rain is continuing in various areas of India. Orange Alert has been issued by the Meteorological Department (IMD) for various areas of Odisha. According to the Meteorological Department, there may be heavy to very heavy rain in the eastern state during 24 hours. According to experts, this rain is very beneficial for the farmer brothers.

How will farmers benefit from this rain?

An orange alert has been issued by the Meteorological Department in Koraput, Nabarangnagar and Malkangiri. Where there is a possibility of heavy to very heavy rain at one or two places during 24 hours. According to the Meteorological Department, the Ganjam district of Odisha has received 142.4 mm rainfall during the last few hours. Whereas, Mayurbhanj has received 132 mm of rain. Weather experts have predicted widespread rainfall in the state in three days. If experts are to be believed, farmers will benefit greatly from the rain. After heavy rains in the state for the last few days, the percentage of rainfall has decreased. Hopefully, farmers will benefit from widespread rainfall in the next three days.

Also read: Meteorological Department released a forecast, the possibility of heavy rain in these states

Chance of rain in various areas of India

Apart from this, the Meteorological Department has also predicted heavy to very heavy rain in various other areas of India till September 9. Releasing the forecast, IMD has said that there is a possibility of heavy to very heavy rain in some parts of Vidarbha on September 6 and heavy rain till September 7-9. Also, some areas of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Gangetic West Bengal, Odisha, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, North Interior Karnataka, Puducherry, Yanam today. There is a possibility of rain.

The Meteorological Department says that there will be heavy rain in various areas of Odisha. According to experts, this rain will be extremely beneficial for the farmers.

Rain is continuing in various areas of India. Orange Alert has been issued by the Meteorological Department (IMD) for various areas of Odisha. According to the Meteorological Department, there may be heavy to very heavy rain in the eastern state during 24 hours. According to experts, this rain is very beneficial for the farmer brothers.

How will farmers benefit from this rain?

An orange alert has been issued by the Meteorological Department in Koraput, Nabarangnagar and Malkangiri. Where there is a possibility of heavy to very heavy rain at one or two places during 24 hours. According to the Meteorological Department, the Ganjam district of Odisha has received 142.4 mm rainfall during the last few hours. Whereas, Mayurbhanj has received 132 mm of rain. Weather experts have predicted widespread rainfall in the state in three days. If experts are to be believed, farmers will benefit greatly from the rain. After heavy rains in the state for the last few days, the percentage of rainfall has decreased. Hopefully, farmers will benefit from widespread rainfall in the next three days.

Also read: Meteorological Department released a forecast, the possibility of heavy rain in these states

Chance of rain in various areas of India

Apart from this, the Meteorological Department has also predicted heavy to very heavy rain in various other areas of India till September 9. Releasing the forecast, IMD has said that there is a possibility of heavy to very heavy rain in some parts of Vidarbha on September 6 and heavy rain till September 7-9. Also, some areas of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Gangetic West Bengal, Odisha, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, North Interior Karnataka, Puducherry, Yanam today. There is a possibility of rain.

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an alert regarding rain in many states

Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an alert regarding rain in many states

The weather patterns have changed in India today. According to the Meteorological Department, alert has been issued in many states today, after which there will be a feeling of coolness. At the same time, there is an idea of heavy rains for the next two days in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The weather has changed the effect in other states including Delhi-UP during Navratri. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has feared rain in many states. At the same time, an alert has been issued regarding rain in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and other states. With this, snowfall has started in Uttarakhand. Kedarnath Dham received the first snowfall of the season on Sunday. Whereas there will be light rains in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Muzaffarabad. There is a possibility of rain in Delhi-NCR and Uttar Pradesh. Apart from this, there will be light rain in some parts of Rajasthan. At the same time, heavy rains are expected in Pt. Bengal and coastal Karnataka including Konkan, Goa, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Maharashtra, Bihar.

How will the weather be in the next 24 hours

According to the Meteorological Department, light to moderate rains in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Lakshadweep and coastal Karnataka may receive heavy rains at some places. At the same time, light to moderate rain and snowfall may occur on the western Himalayas. At the same time, sporadic hailstorm is possible in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan with light to moderate rains. At the same time, in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and North Bihar, light rains may receive moderate rains at one or two places. Apart from this, there is a possibility of light rain in Northern Madhya Pradesh, Southern Konkan and Goa and Rayalaseema.

Also read: Indian Meteorological Department advised farmers, how to take care of crops and animals in monsoon

How is the weather going to be in Delhi today

According to the Meteorological Department, Delhi-NCR may receive rainfall, due to which the maximum temperature can be seen by 3 to 4 degrees. After this, the cold will also be realized.

What is the mood of the weather in UP

According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of light rain in about 50 districts of Uttar Pradesh till 17-18 October. At the same time, yellow alert has been issued for thunder to moderate rains in Rampur, Bareilly, Pilibhit, Shahjahanpur, Sambhal and Badaun.

How will the weather be in Madhya Pradesh

According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of light rain in many districts of Madhya Pradesh. At the same time, during the last 24 hours, there has been rain somewhere in the districts of Ujjain, Gwalior, Chambal and Jabalpur divisions of the state.

Also read: Rain is going to be held in these parts of India, IMD has issued an orange alert

How will the weather be in Rajasthan

There is a possibility of rain again in Rajasthan. According to the Meteorological Department, a new western disturbance is likely to be active by the end of this week. Most areas of Rajasthan are expected to receive light to moderate rains.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

Carrots are cultivated all over India, people use carrots both raw and cooked, carrots contain Vitamin A and carotene, which are very beneficial for the body. Orange carrots are high in carotene, green carrot leaves contain many nutrients like protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. which provide nutrition to animals. Chicken fodder can be made from green carrot leaves. Carrots are grown the most in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana.

Suitable climate for carrot cultivation.

Carrots are mostly grown in cold climates. Carrot growth slows down due to high temperatures and color changes. For this, sandy loam and loamy soil is best. Drainage of water in the soil is very important.

Also read: Agricultural scientists suggested new technology of foreign vegetable production for farmers living in hilly areas, definitely know this to earn better profits. 

Carrot Varieties

There are many varieties of carrots like Carrot No. 29, Pusa Kesar, Pusa Meghali, Selection 233, Gentney, Arliments, Emperor, Ments of Lag, Pusa Yamdagni and Gino.

Field Varieties

In preparation for the field for sowing carrots, the first plowing should be done with a soil-turning plow. After this, the field should be made friable by doing two to three plowings with a cultivator or local plow. 200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be mixed well in the land while preparing the field. By doing this, the yield of fruits is higher.

Seeds and Seed Sowing.

To cultivate carrots, seeds of improved varieties should be selected. In carrot farming, 5 to 6 kg seeds are required per hectare for sowing on ridges. Before sowing, it should be treated with 2.5 grams of Thiram per kg of seeds. Carrots are sown from August to October in Northern India. European varieties are sown in November. In hilly areas, sowing is done from March to June. It should be sown on lines or in ridges at a distance of 35 to 45 cm. The seeds should be sown at a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm, the height of the ridges should be kept at 20 to 25 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept at 4 to 5 cm. 

Manure and Fertilizer management in crops.

200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be given while preparing the field and 50 kg nitrogen, 40 kg phosphorus, and 45 kg potash should be given as elements per hectare. Half the quantity of nitrogen and the full quantity of phosphorus and potash should be given before sowing. The remaining half quantity of nitrogen is given to the standing crop twice. 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given initially at the time of growth of leaves and 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given at the time of growth of roots.

Also read: Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Crop Irrigation Management.

After sowing, first irrigation should be done in the drain so that moisture remains in the ridges. Later irrigation should be done at an interval of 8 to 10 days. In summer, irrigation should be done at an interval of 4 to 5 days. The field should never dry up, otherwise the yield reduces.

Weed Control.

2 to 3 weeding should be done in the entire crop, at the same time thinning should be done and a distance of 4 to 5 cm should be maintained from the plants. To control weeds, a 3.5-liter stamp should be sprayed in the field immediately after sowing, while there should be sufficient moisture in the field. 

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies

Carrot and digging production.

Only when the roots of a carrot become edible, it should be dug with a trowel so that the roots are not cut and the quality remains good so that it can get a good price in the market. It should be cleaned and sold in the market. The yield of roots in carrots depends on the variety, such as the Asiatic type yields 250 to 300 quintals per hectare and the European type yields 100 to 150 quintals per hectare. 

In the upcoming days, farmers will get amazing benefits or will bear loss due to weather

In the upcoming days, farmers will get amazing benefits or will bear loss due to weather

As we all know, winters have recently knocked our doors. At present, a temperature suitable for crops will be useful. Whereas, not suitable temperature brings the danger from blight disease. India is currently facing season change. After summer, winters have knocked us very fast. According to the India Meteorological Department(IMD), this year's monsoon was average in India. Monsoon being average was good news to farmers. Actually, because of this, plants got good rain resulting in good crop yield. 

If we talk about capital Delhi, a fall in temperature was observed, which also increased chilling. According to IMD, the temperature in the first week of December will be average. Whereas a huge fall in temperature is less expected. According to the meteorological department, maximum temperature in capital Delhi will be 25°C till 4 December. And the minimum temperature will be upto 9°C.

Crops will get benefit by cold in upcoming days 

According to the news, winter will be colder in upcoming days. Crops benefit from cold only until the temperature is according to the bearing power of crops. In winters, infection in crops from disease and insects is usually less. Accumulation of nutrients also rises in crops. Along with this, crop production also increases. And when temperature is not suitable for crops, it creates a factor for loss. Too much cold can result in change in shape and colour of crops. Crops can face difficulties like dryness and blight.

Apart from this, crop production also decreases. Farmers can get more knowledge about weather on the official website of IMD or their mobile application can also be used. Doing this, they can attain knowledge of weather at the correct time. And can save their crops.

Farmer brothers should do this to attain better yield 

Farmer brothers should sow the crops at the right time to achieve better yield. Also, crops should be irrigated at regular intervals.

Regular pesticides should be sprayed to protect crops from disease and insects. During winters, plastic sheet or shed should be used to cover the crops.

Meteorological Department has issued an alert for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone

Meteorological Department has issued an alert for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone

The Meteorological Department has issued some advice for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone. However, this advice is different for farmers of different states. Here you can get information according to your state.

Cyclone Michong is causing destruction in the coastal areas of South India. This is the reason that the Meteorological Department has currently issued an alert regarding this. According to the Meteorological Department, that heavyl rains may occur in the northern coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh on 6 December. Apart from this, heavy rainfall is also estimated in some areas of Chhattisgarh, Telangana and Odisha. At the same time, the Meteorological Department says that some areas here will have moderate rainfall. Also, excessive rainfall is estimated in some parts.

What has been said to farmers

The Meteorological Department has released some advice for farmers regarding the Michaong Cyclone. The Meteorological Department says that whatever farmers of Andhra Pradesh are, they should stop cutting ripe rice, late sown peanuts and chilli at present. At the same time, the Meteorological Department said that the farmers here should stop choosing rice, millet and cooked cotton seeds.

The Meteorological Department says that the crops that have been harvested, they say that they should be kept in safe places. If your crop is a farm, then cover it in a great way with tarpaulin. At the same time, give support to the plants on which the crop is planted in good quantity. Do this mainly with vegetable plants. If you did not do this in time, then these plants will fall down. Your crop can cause severe damage.

Be careful for the next 5 days

The Meteorological Department has forecast five days to come to the coastal areas of Kerala and South Indian states, that thunder electricity will have light rain in many places and there will be strong rain in many places. At the same time, there is hope of thick fog in the areas of Punjab. At the same time, fishermen are advised not to go to the banks of the Bay of South -West Bengal and Northern Tamil Nadu -Puducherry for the next five days. The situation can worsen here at any time.

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Direction guidelines from Pusa scientists for Rabi season crops like wheat and mustard

Pusa agricultural scientists have put an advisory for the farming of wheat in rabi season. In which they pointed out that those farmers with 21-25 days wheat crops should go with first irrigation within the upcoming 5 days.  After 3-4 days of irrigation, second fertilisers should be put in. According to agricultural scientists, considering the temperature, farmers are advised to sow the late wheat crops as soon as possible. Sowing rates to be kept 125 kilograms of seeds per hectare. It's advanced species are HD 3059, HD 3237, HD 3271, HD 3369, HD 3117, WR 544 and PBW 373.

Must do seed treatment 

Before sowing seeds should be treated with bavistin @1.0 gram or thiram @2.0 gram per hectare. For your knowledge, in farms infected with termites, chlorpyrifos (20 ec) @5.0 litres per hectare should be spread with paleva or in dry farms. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilisers to be kept is 80, 40 and 40 kilograms per hectare. 

Rarefaction of mustard crops must be done on priority.

Weed control and rarefaction should be done in lately sown mustard crops. Considering fall in average temperature, mustard crops should specially be taken care of for white rust disease. Rotten/fermented dung and potash fertilisers must be used before sowing onion crops in prepared farms in this season. Potatoes and tomatoes are more prone to blight disease because of heavy moisture in the air. That's why, look carefully for crops. In case of symptoms, spray 2gram dithane-M-45 in per litre of Water. 

Farmers should check regularly for leaf feeding insects 

For your interest, farmers who have prepared a nursery of tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. They can show their plants considering the weather. Cauliflower and cabbage family plants should specially be taken care of leaf feeding insects. If they are in large numbers, then spray BT @1 gram per litre of water or sponosade medicine @1.0 ml per 3 litres of water. In this weather, farmers must get rid of weeds with the help of weeding-hoeing practice. Vegetable crops should be irrigated and then fertilisers should be put in.

How farmers should manage stubble remains 

Farmers are advised not to burn the remains (stubble) of kharif crops(paddy). This results in polluting the environment too much. The smog produced by this does not allow complete sunlight to reach crops and farms. It affects the photosynthesis and evaporation in plants which leads to low food production in plants. It also affects the amount of produce and quality of produce. Farmers are advised to mix or dig the remaining paddy stubble in soil, it increases the fertility of soil.

Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

Change in weather and rain likely in Uttar Pradesh

As we all know, the harsh winter season is going on. Farmers face many problems in farming. In such a situation, if it rains , then this problem increases further. There is a possibility of rain in some districts of western Uttar Pradesh in the next one or two days. Now there are some special things for the farmers, which need special attention . According to reports, there is a possibility of rain in Agra, Hathras, Aligarh and nearby parts.

What to do to prevent plant diseases

For the last several months, the ready crop has cost a lot and the hard work of the farmers . Now in such a situation, farmers are very worried about their crops . To save the crop, it is most necessary to monitor the cultivation daily. If any disease is seen in the leaf of the plant, immediately uproot it and bury it inside the ground. If more diseases are noticed, consult a specialist immediately and for precaution, spray a fungicide Carbendazim Manacuzeb or Metalaxyl And can also spray mancozeb.

Also Read : India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues rain alert in many states

If the weather is favourable for scorching in potato crops, then spray 2 grams per litre of Ina fungicide. If white leaf spot disease occurs in mustard crop, apply copper oxychloride or carbendazim mancozeb in 3 grams per litre of water Spray.

Do not forget to do this work

If there is a possibility of rain in your area, do not irrigate. If there is too much moisture in the field, vegetable crops can be majorly damaged. At the same time, a lot of diseases can occur. Spraying germs, insecticides or weedicides is best when the sun is open . If there is fog and cloudy sky and there is a possibility of rain, avoid pesticide spraying as well.

Also Read: Farmers should pay attention to these pesticides, government bans them

If the crop has flowered, avoid the use of any kind of chemical pesticides. Any crop is flowering . Do not use chemical sprays there. The growth of the flower will stop considerably. Flowers will fall off, preventing grains and fruit formation . In such a situation, use natural methods, smoke, moisture, neem oil and ash of tubers . Apart from this, bees have been kept in the field and if they come there, do not spray chemicals during the day or else they will die. Use at the time the bees return to the hives in the evening .  

How will the weather of India be in the coming days

How will the weather of India be in the coming days

Rains continue in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The IMD (India Meteorological Department) said that from November 2, there will be rains in Kerala and Tamil Nadu for the next two days. Barring these two states, there will be no change in the weather in the rest of the country for the next five days. Kerala and Tamil Nadu have received rains recently. There is still every possibility. The IMD has given information about it. There was heavy rain in Kerala on Monday. It received 8 cm of rain in Mavelikkara, 7 cm in Chavara and 7 cm in Vilangankunnu.

The IMDI said light to moderate rainfall with lightning and thunderstorms is likely over Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Rains are expected in Lakshadweep on October 31, and Kerala, Mahe, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal will also receive rains in the next five days. Heavy rainfall is likely over Kerala and Tamil Nadu on October 31 and November 3.

Also read: India Meteorological Department advises farmers on how to take care of crops and animals during monsoon

From the night of November 01 to November 03, a fresh Western Disturbance is likely to cause light rain and snowfall in the Western Himalayas. Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are included in these states. Apart from this, lightning is likely in Konkan, Goa, Madhya Maharashtra, South Interior Karnataka, Kerala, Mahe, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Karaikal.

What will be the weather in North India?

During this week, weather of plains of North India (mainly Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, West Uttar Pradesh and Delhi) can be pleasant. Mercury levels are not expected to drop much. According to private weather agency Skymet, there is a possibility of light coolness and chill in the air late evening, night and morning. The day will be mainly hot. Overall, the weather will be good.

Also read: India Meteorological Department (IMD) issues rain alert in many states

The effect of western disturbances can be seen in many states

A Western Disturbance is likely to arrive on the night of 01st November and remain for the next 48 hours. This may cause some rainfall in the hilly areas. On November 02 and 03, the sky will remain cloudy and light rain will occur in the foothills of Punjab. The rest will remain cool and dry. The minimum temperature will be between the middle and high without any major fluctuations. The temperature during the day is likely to be around 30–31°C. In the far western regions of Haryana, such as Hisar, Narnaul and Sirsa, the temperature can remain around 30 degrees Celsius. Morning fog will see a decrease in visibility and a drop in air quality.