

What is the reason for the rise in garlic prices?

What is the reason for the rise in garlic prices?

There has been a sudden jump in the prices of garlic. In the Bhubaneswar market, the price had reached Rs 400 per kg. This is happening due to the destruction of garlic crops. Prices are likely to decrease this month.

The common people are having to bear the brunt of inflation. Inflation has increased in all the things and if we talk about food items, it has also increased a lot. Garlic is essential to enhance the taste of vegetables prepared at home. But, if seen at present, the prices of garlic are also touching the sky. The price of garlic has reached up to ₹400 per kg. 

After all, why are the prices of garlic increasing?

If we talk about the last few weeks, the prices of garlic have increased rapidly. In the Bhubaneswar market, the price had reached Rs 400 per kg. Actually, this is the important reason behind the increase in the price of garlic. That is the failure of the garlic crop. Garlic crops have been ruined due to inclement weather in various states. Due to this, a huge jump in prices has been seen. Due to crop failure, it will take time to plant the second crop. Due to this, there is a delay in the arrival of new garlic produce, due to which the prices are increasing. 

Also read: Due to this, there was a huge rise in the prices of garlic

When will prices go down in Madhya Pradesh?

Garlic is cultivated the most in Madhya Pradesh. But, due to adverse weather conditions, the crop has been greatly affected, due to which there is a lot of delay in the arrival of the new crop. As soon as a new crop of garlic arrives in the market. Garlic prices will fall. According to market traders, after the arrival of Kharif garlic, the price will become very low. This means that garlic prices are likely to decrease in February.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn big money every month by producing different types of vegetables in their fields.

Farmers can earn a good income by cultivating many vegetables in one field. Farmer brothers can grow coriander, spinach, and tomato crops in one go.

Let us tell you about the intensity with which technology is developing. At the same pace, the use of new equipment and techniques in farming has also increased. If you also do farming, then the information provided here can be beneficial for you. A large population in India is dependent on agriculture. Because of this, India is also called an agricultural country. Changes with time have also made farming advanced. If farmers wish, they can earn good profits in a single crop. Many such vegetables give huge profits in a short time, especially include coriander, tomato, spinach, etc.

You can earn profits worth lakhs from vegetable farming

Talking about normal days, the price of tomato in the market is Rs 250 to 350 per carat. Farmers can earn lakhs of rupees in a year just by selling tomatoes. Also, if you cultivate and sell coriander, spinach, and chili, these will give you huge profits. Nowadays, horticulture crops are earning more income than traditional crops.

Also read: Farmer Shravan Singh became rich by producing horticulture crops.

Coriander-spinach production will yield good profits

Farmers can sow all these vegetables in the same field. These vegetables do not require much space. To earn a good income from these vegetables, farmers can plant coriander and spinach on the ridges of their fields. On the other side of the ridge, farmers can also cultivate tomatoes and chilies.

Farmers can also produce these vegetables

For your information, to earn a better income, farmers can grow many crops in the middle of the fields beside the ridges. Farmer brothers can grow okra, potato, cauliflower, and bitter gourd here. All these vegetables are sold in the market at good prices. If farmers follow all the points mentioned here, they can earn a handsome income.

 A farmer can save a lot of expenses by growing vegetables through kitchen gardening.

A farmer can save a lot of expenses by growing vegetables through kitchen gardening.

Through kitchen gardening, you can also grow vegetables at home. These vegetables will be pure and the hassle of purchasing them from the market will also end. In times of inflation, you can grow vegetables at home, due to which you can save a lot of money. These vegetables grow in a small space in the house, which does not cost you much. According to experts, while growing vegetables on the balcony, you have to take care of some special things, so that you can earn excellent yield at low cost.

You must be remembering the skyrocketing prices of tomatoes. To protect yourself from similar problems, you can take the help of kitchen gardening. Apart from tomatoes, chilies, okra, or coriander, you can also grow many other vegetables in it. For this, some pots filled with soil and sunlight are necessary.

Farmers plant seedlings inside big pots only.

For your information, let us tell you that the balcony of almost everyone's house gets sunlight. In such a situation, growing vegetables on the balcony can be a great option. With this, there will always be greenery in your house. Money will be saved and you will get pure vegetables in your home. During kitchen gardening, take special care that vegetable plants should be planted in big pots so that the roots get ample opportunity to spread.

Also read: Grow summer green vegetables easily in the kitchen garden: Bitter gourd, Lady's finger, Ghiya, Zucchini, Tinda, Cowpea, Cucumber.

Farmers take special care of the weather

Let us tell you that apart from this, the plants in bigger pots will become stronger and the plants will also bear fruits in good quantity. Experts say that it is very important to keep the weather in mind even in kitchen gardening. It is very difficult to get fruits from vegetables planted out of season. By doing balcony farming you can easily save thousands of rupees per month. You can grow tomatoes, okra, coriander, and chilies at home and use them yourself. Farmers need to have information about kitchen gardening. Because you can earn a little profit during kitchen gardening. Farmers should use kitchen gardening at the very beginning. Due to the weather, farmers had to pay very high prices for tomatoes.

 Female farmer Smarika  Chandrakar quit MNC company paying lakhs and chose farming

Female farmer Smarika Chandrakar quit MNC company paying lakhs and chose farming

Today, in this article of Meri Kheti, we will tell you about a successful female farmer Smarika Chandrakar. The agricultural farm of the female farmer has brinjal and tomato on 19 acres. However, earlier there were other horticulture crops like cucumber, bitter gourd and gourd in the same field. Actually, the childhood of Smarika is spent in the village, after which she has gone to Pune to study. However, she again settled in the village itself. Now she is a self -sufficient farmer.

Agriculture has also become a business. The production of fruits, vegetables and grains has also been increased compared to the latest and advanced techniques. This has increased the income of farmers significantly. This is the reason that now educated youth are also leaving the job of millions of rupees a month and are moving towards farming. But, today we will give information about a young woman who became a millionaire from farming after leaving the job. Currently other people are also learning  cultivation from the woman.

Smarika Chandrakar is originally from where

Actually, the woman we are discussing about, her name is Smarika Chandrakar. She is a native of Chhakudiya village of Kurud block in Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh. Smarika Chandrakar is an MBA student from Pune Maharashtra. Also, she has also done BE in computer science. Earlier she used to work in a multinational company on an annual package of Rs 15 lakh. Everything was going well. During this time, her  father's health deteriorated. This  proved to be a turning point for Smarika Chandrakar.

Also read: Except for a government job, Mukesh is making a big profit from cucumber cultivation through polyhouse

Smarika Chandrakar is getting tremendous production from horticulture

Smarika Chandrakar says that her father has a lot of land in the village. He started vegetable cultivation on 23 acres of land in the year 2020. However, due to poor health, they were not able to cultivate better. In such a situation, Smarika Chandrakar left the job and started cooperating with his father in farming. After seeing it, she started farming on all his territories scientifically. She also selected the crop according to the quality of the soil. Due to this, she started getting tremendous production.

The supply of vegetables of Smarika  Chandrakar is in many states

Smarika  Chandrakar spent a few rupees and made hee  farm a modern agricultural farm. The advantage of this is that now 12 tonnes of tomatoes and 8 tons of brinjal are being produced daily from the agricultural farm of  Smarika Chandrakar. The annual turnover of the smarika is more than one crore rupees. The main thing is that the smarika is not only earning from farming, but has also provided employment to 150 people. The brinjal and tomato grown in the smarika farm are also supplied in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Due to financial constraints, a woman farmer started mushroom cultivation, today she is earning profits worth lakhs.

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari has said that in a poor state like Bihar, it is very important for women to be self-reliant. At present, many women of the state are creating their new identity by joining livelihood. Besides, she is also earning a good income from farming.

Women are also currently walking shoulder to shoulder with men in the state of Bihar. Now whether it is in the field of education or farming. Today women are making their place in every field. Today in this article we will give you information about a woman who is earning lakhs of rupees from vegetable farming. Nowadays this woman farmer is being discussed in all the areas of the district. The main thing is that this woman farmer cultivates green vegetables through the organic method. This is the reason why many people from other villages also come to buy vegetables from him.

The name of the female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari 

For your information, let us tell you that the name of this female farmer is Sangeeta Kumari. She is a native of Phulerpur village of Athamalgola block in Patna district. At present, Sangeeta Kumari is cultivating other green vegetables including mushrooms and potatoes with the help of zero tillage. Along with this, she is also training other women in farming. Sangeeta Kumari says, “Earlier I used to have a shortage of money to meet household expenses. I didn't even have a thousand rupees at that time. But, since I have taken up vegetable farming, their economic condition has changed. Today Sangeeta is earning more than two lakh rupees annually due to farming. Due to this, his family has also become very happy.

Also read: By cultivating these vegetables, farmers can earn more income at less expense and in less time.

Female farmer Sangeeta started mushroom cultivation 

Female farmer Sangeeta Kumari cultivates mushrooms, potatoes, and other crops in one bigha of land. Besides, he is also working on the post of Chief Minister in Jeevika. According to Sangeeta Kumari, her daughter got married in the year 2015. After this, the financial condition of his house became very bad. Now in such a situation, her husband started a job in a school at Rs 1500 per month. But, it was difficult to meet household expenses with so little money. In such a situation, after joining Jeevika in 2016, Sangeeta took training in cultivating mushrooms and other vegetables in 2019. After this, he came home and started mushroom cultivation. 

Also read: Blue mushroom cultivation started in the state, tribals are getting bumper profits

How much income is female farmer Sangeeta earning?

For the first time, he has earned Rs 10,000 by selling mushrooms. Also, potatoes have been grown in two pots through the zero tillage method. This yielded more than 40 maunds of potatoes. Sangeeta Kumari further says that along with cultivating potatoes in one bigha, she also produces other vegetables including tomato, cabbage, chili, and brinjal. Due to this, he is earning more than Rs 2 lakh in a year.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

You can also earn lakhs of rupees by doing modern carrot farming.

Carrots are cultivated all over India, people use carrots both raw and cooked, carrots contain Vitamin A and carotene, which are very beneficial for the body. Orange carrots are high in carotene, green carrot leaves contain many nutrients like protein, minerals, vitamins, etc. which provide nutrition to animals. Chicken fodder can be made from green carrot leaves. Carrots are grown the most in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana.

Suitable climate for carrot cultivation.

Carrots are mostly grown in cold climates. Carrot growth slows down due to high temperatures and color changes. For this, sandy loam and loamy soil is best. Drainage of water in the soil is very important.

Also read: Agricultural scientists suggested new technology of foreign vegetable production for farmers living in hilly areas, definitely know this to earn better profits. 

Carrot Varieties

There are many varieties of carrots like Carrot No. 29, Pusa Kesar, Pusa Meghali, Selection 233, Gentney, Arliments, Emperor, Ments of Lag, Pusa Yamdagni and Gino.

Field Varieties

In preparation for the field for sowing carrots, the first plowing should be done with a soil-turning plow. After this, the field should be made friable by doing two to three plowings with a cultivator or local plow. 200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be mixed well in the land while preparing the field. By doing this, the yield of fruits is higher.

Seeds and Seed Sowing.

To cultivate carrots, seeds of improved varieties should be selected. In carrot farming, 5 to 6 kg seeds are required per hectare for sowing on ridges. Before sowing, it should be treated with 2.5 grams of Thiram per kg of seeds. Carrots are sown from August to October in Northern India. European varieties are sown in November. In hilly areas, sowing is done from March to June. It should be sown on lines or in ridges at a distance of 35 to 45 cm. The seeds should be sown at a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm, the height of the ridges should be kept at 20 to 25 cm and the distance from plant to plant should be kept at 4 to 5 cm. 

Manure and Fertilizer management in crops.

200 to 250 quintals of rotten cow dung should be given while preparing the field and 50 kg nitrogen, 40 kg phosphorus, and 45 kg potash should be given as elements per hectare. Half the quantity of nitrogen and the full quantity of phosphorus and potash should be given before sowing. The remaining half quantity of nitrogen is given to the standing crop twice. 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given initially at the time of growth of leaves and 1/4 quantity of nitrogen should be given at the time of growth of roots.

Also read: Detailed information about important works related to carrot cultivation

Crop Irrigation Management.

After sowing, first irrigation should be done in the drain so that moisture remains in the ridges. Later irrigation should be done at an interval of 8 to 10 days. In summer, irrigation should be done at an interval of 4 to 5 days. The field should never dry up, otherwise the yield reduces.

Weed Control.

2 to 3 weeding should be done in the entire crop, at the same time thinning should be done and a distance of 4 to 5 cm should be maintained from the plants. To control weeds, a 3.5-liter stamp should be sprayed in the field immediately after sowing, while there should be sufficient moisture in the field. 

Also read: Carrot root disease and its remedies

Carrot and digging production.

Only when the roots of a carrot become edible, it should be dug with a trowel so that the roots are not cut and the quality remains good so that it can get a good price in the market. It should be cleaned and sold in the market. The yield of roots in carrots depends on the variety, such as the Asiatic type yields 250 to 300 quintals per hectare and the European type yields 100 to 150 quintals per hectare. 

To promote vegetable production there is a 75% subsidy in this state.

To promote vegetable production there is a 75% subsidy in this state.

To increase vegetable production and to help farmers in Bihar, the state government is running the Vegetable Development Scheme. According to this scheme, the government is providing a 75% subsidy on the purchase of the seeds. In Bihar, farmers have started sowing vegetables with Rabi crops to promote vegetable production. The government is also supporting them so that the income of farmers can increase along with the production capacity. Along with this, the government is providing grants to encourage vegetable production. Also, a plan is being prepared to encourage more farmers to produce seeds under the Vegetable Development Scheme. 

Bihar government has started the Vegetable Development Scheme, under which grants will be provided for the cultivation of various vegetables. Under this scheme, farmers will get grants for the distribution of seeds of high-value vegetables. The government is also providing subsidies for the cultivation of cucumber, brinjal, and other vegetables without seeds. The online application process for this has also started. Interested farmers have the opportunity to apply so that they can take advantage of this scheme.

The government is providing up to 75% subsidy on seeds.

The Bihar government has decided to provide funds to the farmers on the seeds of improved varieties of vegetables, in which a 75 percent subsidy is included in the unit cost of high-value cucumbers and brinjals. Under the Vegetable Development Scheme, farmers will be provided funds up to the prescribed limit in one sub-component. Funds will be provided for purchases of vegetables worth Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000. Farmers will also be provided funds for vegetable farming seeds ranging from 0.25 acres to 2.5 acres.


Also readLeaving a government job, Mukesh is earning huge profits from cucumber farming through polyhouse. 

The application has to be made through online mode.

Horticulture Officer Suraj Pandey says that to avail of the benefits of the Vegetable Development Scheme, farmers will have to apply online. He informed me that this process has now been started. He has said that for the farmers who want to take advantage of the scheme, it is necessary for them to already have a 13-digit DBT number. Let us tell you that those farmers who do not have this number, can get this number by registering on the official website After getting the registration number, farmers can apply online by visiting the link of website.

 Know about the top 5 productive varieties of Fenugreek

Know about the top 5 productive varieties of Fenugreek

These top 5 varieties of Fenugreek, Pusa kasoori, R.M.T 305, Rajendra Kranti, A.F.G 2 and Hisaar Sonali give productivity upto 6 quintals per acre in less duration to farmers. The price of these varieties is also very high in the market. Fenugreek is a leafy crop and almost all the farmers of India are earning heavy profit by producing this crop in their fields. Actually, Fenugreek is very beneficial for our body. Because it contains dissolved protein and many micro vitamins. That's why their demand in the market is very high. In this scenario, if you cultivate these top varieties of Fenugreek, then you also can get awesome produce in very less time. These top 5 varieties of Fenugreek Pusa kasoori, R.M.T 305, Rajendra Kranti, A.F.G 2 and Hisaar Sonali are capable of producing 6 quintals per acre. 

Top 5 varieties of Fenugreek are listed below 

The Rajendra Kranti variety of fenugreek 

Farmers can earn a produce of almost 5 quintals from Rajendra Kranti variety of Fenugreek. This variety of fenugreek ripes in  around 120 days.

Also read :complete information about farming of fenugreek

The Pusa kasoori variety of fenugreek

Flowers come very late in the Pusa kasoori variety of fenugreek. Farmers can achieve product 5-6 times after cultivating this variety only 1 time. Seeds of this variety are very small in size. Farmers can get a produce of around 2.5 to 2.8 quintals per acre from this variety.

The R.M.T 305 variety of fenugreek 

This variety of fenugreek ripes very fast. The R.M.T 305 variety of fenugreek does not get Powdery mildew disease and root node nematode disease. Farmers can earn a produce of around 5.2 to 6 quintals per acre from this variety.

Also read : microgreen farming will make a millionaire in less time. Farming can be done anywhere

The AFG 2 variety of fenugreek 

The leaves of this variety of fenugreek have very broad leaves. Farmers can seed only one time the AFG2 variety of fenugreek and can get around 3 times produce on harvesting. The seeds of this variety are small in size. Farmers can get 7.2 to 8 quintals per acre of production from this variety of fenugreek.