7 Ways Farmers Can Improve Soil Fertility

Knowing which biology is present in your soil and its function offers great insight on the nutrient cycling capacities of your soil.

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Test your soil

Weeds are an indicator of the limitations that exist. If you learn how to read your weeds that knowledge will allow you to make better management decisions for better soil fertility.

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Get to Know your Weeds

Plowing your fields leaves them vulnerable to both wind and water erosion. It also brings weed seeds to the surface, exposing them to sunlight and allowing them to sprout.

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Disturb the soil as little as possible

It‘s time to add another crop to your rotation. Your friends, the soil microbes, are becoming specialized.

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Rotate Crops

If you want to increase the fertility of your soil, create a healthy farm ecosystem, and stop erosion from wind and water – cover crops are perfect.

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Plant Cover Crops

use beneficial bugs to take care of bug pests. We are all familiar with ladybugs, they eat aphids and many other bug pests.

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Use IPM (Integrated Pest Management)

Greater biodiversity in your fields creates more microbial activity and thus higher soil fertility as they break down organic matter into humus.

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Create Greater Biodiversity

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