भारी शुल्क उप मिट्टी fkhdsss-2

ब्रांड : फील्डकिंग
मॉडल : Fkhdsss-2
टाइप : जुताई
श्रेणी : कल्टीवेटर
पावर : 60-75

भारी शुल्क उप मिट्टी fkhdsss-2



  • The sub soilers are deep tillage implements specially designed for breaking up hard pan layers and loosening the subsoil allowing better drainage, root growth and mineral osmosis.
  • It can be safely used for heavy duty applications, as the shear bolt arrangement protects the implement from getting damaged due to hidden obstacles like underground stones & roots.
  • It increases soil turnover by reaching deeper organic matter layers.
  • High quality wear-resistant steel used for the shovel, which gives it a long life in the toughest conditions.
  • The heavy duty pointed chisel shatters the soil well below the surface, thus increasing the water holding capacity.
  • Specially designed tyne is capable of penetrating up to 700 mm deep
  • Tyne edge to reduce wear & tear of tyne

भारी शुल्क उप मिट्टी fkhdsss-2 का पूरा विवरण देखें

भारी शुल्क उप मिट्टी fkhdsss-2 उपकरण

टाइन की संख्या : 2
काम करने की गहराई (मिमी/इंच) : 700/28
Crumbler के साथ वजन (kg .lbs.approx) : 450/992

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ब्रांड : फील्डकिंग
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Implementका रिव्यू / समीक्षा