मल्टी फसल हार्वेस्टर MCH100

ब्रांड : फील्डकिंग
मॉडल : MCH100
टाइप : फसल
श्रेणी : फसल हार्वेस्टर
पावर :

मल्टी फसल हार्वेस्टर MCH100


  • HST (Hydrostatic transmission) with 42cc & electromagnetically operated valves for high efficiency and easy steering and operations in the field.
  •  Longer & wider rubber track causes less ground pressure which makes its operation smoother and quicker in swampy, uneven and wet fields.
  •  Vertical threshing rotor and strong concave sieves.
  •  2.2 meter cutter bar helps in harvesting more acres per hour.
  •  Larger feeding bridge with better feeding capacity.
  •  Compact Size body makes it convenient for working in uneven, wet, swampy and small fields
  •  The machine is light-weight which reduces the earth pressure and makes it convenient for the operation in swampy and wet fields
  •  This Multi Crop Combine Harvester is capable of harvesting multiple types of crops - paddy, wheat, corn, barley, pulses & soybean effectively and efficiently
  •  Its 88 HP / 100 HP powerful Engine makes harvesting operations smoother and quicker
  •  Grain Tank capacity is 1600 liters due to which allows it to reduce time of refueling and unloading of grains which results in more productivity
  •  Axial flow technology thresher ensures less damage of grains and grains are much more cleaner & unbroken during processing in the thresher

मल्टी फसल हार्वेस्टर MCH100 का पूरा विवरण देखें

मल्टी फसल हार्वेस्टर MCH100 उपकरण

चारा क्षमता : 5 kg/s
वजन (किग्रा/एलबीएस) : 3000 kg
: 5200 mm
: 2750 mm
: 2750 mm
न्यूनतम जमीन निकासी : 350 mm
इंजन का मॉडल : QUANCHAI 4C6-100M22
मूल्याँकन की गति : 2400 r/min
इंजन रेटेड शक्ति : 73 kW

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Implementका रिव्यू / समीक्षा